Questions tagged [password-management]

Procedures, policies and constraints on password entry, lifetime, change, strength, and storage. An essential part of access management, together with policies on other forms of authentication.

154 questions
1 answer

establish passwordless login without asking the user

On Linux when using dsa keys I establish passwordless login with the command ssh-copy-id -i .ssh/ This prompts the user for user's password on My script knows the password and the user shall not be bothered,…
Thorsten Staerk
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2 answers

How do I change a third party service password without stopping my service that depends on that service?

Here's my scenario: I have a service that has to run 24/7 and depends on a third party service that has a password. I need to have that password changed. If I blindly change the password my service no longer works because it will continue using the…
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2 answers

Client passwords manager

I've been looking around for a good password/domains manager. Something to keep track of my clients passwords, domains, DNS, database access, etc. Web based is a must. I've heard about KeePass, TrueCrypt, but it's a desktop client, so I'm not…
  • 107
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1 answer

Is 10 character (letters and numbers mixed) password strong enough for Internet Servers?

Assuming ssh brute force attacks. Assuming the following IPTABLES configuration: DROP tcp -- anywhere anywhere tcp dpt:ssh state NEW recent: UPDATE seconds: 120 hit_count: 10 TTL-Match name: sshprobe side:…
Mladen Adamovic
  • 569
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