Questions tagged [password-management]

Procedures, policies and constraints on password entry, lifetime, change, strength, and storage. An essential part of access management, together with policies on other forms of authentication.

154 questions
2 answers

D-Link DES-3550: can't change password

I have a D-Link DES-3550 switch, Firmware: Build 5.00-B28. I want to change admin password, but somehow I am unable to do this: DES-3550 Fast Ethernet Switch Command Line Interface Firmware: Build 5.00-B28 …
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3 answers

Is there a password agent for the mysql command-line client?

I use the mysql command line client frequently. Sometimes I wind up typing in my password dozens of times per day, and I'm getting really tired of it. SSH has a neat utility called ssh-agent which lets you type in your password just once at the…
Will Martin
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2 answers

allow web designer to change password?

I have a Linux web server, and I've created a user (in/etc/passwd) for a web designer. I pre-set her password and she uses the sftp uploading capability of her web design software to upload content. This works, but I don't like the fact that there…
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4 answers

Is there an app/script I can deploy to enable my users to change their own LDAP passwords?

I've recently enabled LDAP based authentication on my domain. This has allowed us to use a single set of credentials to administer the blog, the forum and the wiki. Unfortunately, this has come at the cost of users being able to change their own…
Tom Wright
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3 answers

How to make Plesk NOT block the browser password auto-complete feature?

All versions of the Plesk control panel software always had this "feature" where they disable the browser password auto-complete feature. Sure, they argue it's a security measure, but it's really not. So, how can one force the Plesk login page…
Gabriel R.
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2 answers

How to remove AdmPwd Permission from BUILTIN\Users (MS LAPS)

I've deployed MS LAPS to manage local admin passwords and all is working fine, except that non-privileged users are able to access the local admin password, in both Powershell and LAPS UI. Running the command below shows me that in addition to the…
1 answer

Bulk Device Management: Generating and storing the username & passwords for many Linux devices

I have a hundred Linux devices (Raspberry Pis) to provision. That includes generating new username/password pairs and storing them for future use. Once they are deployed in the field, I'll need to access the devices over SSH & VNC. Question What…
1 answer

Can a user that is not in the Administrators group change the password on a command line

Is it possible for a user that is not in the Administrators group to change his or her domain password in a coommand line, that is, without using ctrl-alt-delete? It seems to me that this is not possible. Otherwise, I'd like to be corrected on this…
0 answers

How do I input passwords for mysql config editor inside of a dockerfile

Is there a way to create a docker image that needs to use the mysql_config_editor set command with a password without putting the password in the dockerfile and without manually inputting it later in the actual container?
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1 answer

Automated SFTP transfer using WinSCP - how safe is it to store credentials in Windows environment variables?

I've had to implement an automated SFTP file transfer which requires a username and password. Not wanting to leave the password in a text file / batch script for the world to stumble across, I've elected to store the username and password in a…
2 answers

Password Vaults

The company I work for is looking to setup a web based application that will host the passwords. So it should use SSL and be able to have access controls implemented by user. It does not necessarily need to tie into AD. What applications have worked…
2 answers

Postfix/Dovecot and new password protected private key

I've created a CST and private key pair, as said by StartSSL, for my postfix/dovecot Ubuntu 14.04 server, with: openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mydomain.key -out mydomain.csr On the passphrase prompt, I introduced (why not, right?) a password,…
2 answers

Users can't change passwords from workstations or OWA

Users on workstations or email users using OWA can't change passwords. Passwords can be set using Active Directory Users & Computers. Win2008 R1 32bit domain controller. Win7 Pro desktops. Various Exchange users accessing OWA through variety of…
1 answer

How to automate FTP user password updates, on a remote IBM z/OS FTP server?

We wish to solve the business problem of how to schedule automated password updates, on a remote FTP server (note: z/OS) over which we have no administrative control, before the password expires. For example, once each month, update user JDoe's…
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1 answer

How can I automate the retrieval and usage of passwords from within a script?

We have automated scripts that access certain devices and are getting the passwords for the devices from a root-read-only plain-text file. Is there some kind of architecture we can use so that we can move these passwords to a server and have the…
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