Questions tagged [passwd]

passwd refers to the Unix command for changing a user's password and also the file in which users' login data is stored.

passwd refers to the Unix command for changing a user's password and also the file in which users' login data is stored.

112 questions
3 answers

Can I force the passwd command to use MD5 hash (and not crypt)?

How can I force the passwd command to use MD5 hash and not to use crypt? I need to get the passwd command to talk to the ldap server (which it does) and use MD5 when I change passwords for the users.
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4 answers

Restoring /etc/passwd from file

I know they say "given root access, everyone will screw up their machine eventually", and I'm discovering how true that is. In an incident of extreme fatfingering, I've managed to wipe out my /etc/passwd file. Now, I have a current backup of it, but…
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1 answer

Spamassasin user - disable shell

I recently discovered that spamassasin added the following line to my passwd file: debian-spamd:x:115:122::/var/lib/spamassassin:/bin/sh. Why does spamassasin need shell access? Is it safe to disable shell access (f.e. set shell to…
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2 answers

Is it safe to manually edit /etc/passwd?

I need to change the "real name" of a user (not the username). For example if I have: testuser:x:1001:1001:Max Mustermann,,,:/home/testuser:/bin/bash And I want it to be: testuser:x:1001:1001:Max Müller,,,:/home/testuser:/bin/bash Can I just edit…
2 answers

Command 'getent'

Part 1 Is getent supposed to be an executable? In my zsh setup, I can see getent is actually defined as a function $ which getent getent () { if [[ $2 = <-> ]] then grep ":$2:[^:]*$" /etc/$1 else grep "^$2:" /etc/$1 …
Anthony Kong
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1 answer

ProFTPD accounts

I have inherited a server where ProFTPD is installed. I can login to it with account joe_test and its password - but the problem is there is no such user as joe_test in /etc/passwd. If I do ls -la of /var/ftp then /var/ftp/joe_test is: drwxr-xr-x …
Mark Zakred
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1 answer

Changing pam.d/system_auth?

I'm trying to change pam.d/system_auth to help with password complexity as required by an audit. I'm not familiar with PAM, but the system_auth file says This file is auto generated User changes will be destroyed the next time authconfig is…
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2 answers

passwd asks for new password 4 times

I just had a strange experience. I created a new user on a server (Ubuntu 10.04, Plesk installed) and then wanted to set the password. Look at that output: # useradd dev # passwd dev Enter new password: Retype new password: Geben Sie ein neues…
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2 answers

Password rules for yppasswd

I have a NIS master-slave setup and I would like to improve the password rules/complexity for it. Seems like if I introduce new rules to the NIS Master they are applicable only from there. What I mean: I want minimal password length of 9 characters.…
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1 answer

Passwd via PAM only work for LDAP

Now I'v got a working setup using PAM+LDAP over SSL but I can only passwd users in the ldap tree, any idea about how to be able to passwd every users ? Here are some conf files : /etc/pam.d/common-password : password optional…
Henry-Nicolas Tourneur
2 answers

Changing root password via script fails but reports success

I have a project which requires me to make a script / sequence of commands to change the root password on a CentOS 7 installation. I can assume the user that will be executing the script is already root. Currently, I'm using the following, and…
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2 answers

centos 7, sudoers rights limits

i have a task to separate duties of users on a group of servers, the system is centos 7 there is a user that i want to give every right on the server except for the right to change root and other users passwords. adding the user to the group wheel…
1 answer

Purpose of the noaccess user in UNIX?

Can someone point me to a document or explain to me the utility or application of the noaccess user? It would seem interchangeable with any other user I might create. What is it's purpose of being included by default in new installations of Solaris?…
700 Software
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2 answers

passwd: Authentication token manipulation error

I am running a Ubuntu 12 machine, and have recently been working to secure it. I made all the changes from this guide. I am not running a Linode, but I used these as a starting point for setting up the firewall and such. All went smoothly, and I…
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1 answer

OpenLDAP on ArchLinux users cannot change passwd

I started an office and i NEED centralized login and home directories to work. Since all workstations are going to run Arch and problems with different LDAP versions I finally concluded the LDAP server also needed Arch. I have done a completely…
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