Questions tagged [md5]

42 questions
20 answers

How to create an SHA-512 hashed password for shadow?

The previous SF questions I've seen have lead to answers that produce MD5 hashed password. Does anyone have a suggestion on to produce an SHA-512 hashed password? I'd prefer a one liner instead of a script but, if a script is the only solution,…
Belmin Fernandez
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10 answers

Calculate MD5 checksum of a directory

I'm looking for a quick way to compare directory contents. Is it possible to do an md5sum (or equivalent checksum) of an entire directory? Using Ubuntu Linux
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2 answers

Why are md5 passwords hashed differently?

I've been wondering for a while, why does running "echo 'helloworld' | openssl passwd -1 -stdin" yield different results every time?If I put any of the hashes in my /etc/shadow I can use them as my password and login to my system, how does it…
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4 answers

Different md5sums for same tar contents

I run a test creating two tars from the same dir (its files remained unchanged), and I found that their md5sums were different. I assume there's some timestamp being included in the tar's header, but I haven't found the way to override it. My OS is…
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3 answers

Windows 2012 R2 - Search for Files using MD5 Hash?

My organization recently discovered malware that was sent to some users via email that managed to get past our email security in a sophisticated, targeted attack. The names of the files vary from user to user but we have collected a list of the…
Brandon Wetter
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3 answers

vsftpd will not accept passwords encrypted with MD5

I am setting up an server with vsftpd to let virtual users access their space. Now it is fully working but only with CRYPT passwords. So sudo htpasswd -c /etc/vsftpd/ftpd.passwd phpmyadmin will not allow me to log in, but sudo htpasswd -c -d…
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1 answer

Securing NTP: which method to use?

Can someone good at NTP configuration please share which method is the best/easiest to implement a secure, tamper-proof version of NTP? Here are some difficulties... I don't have the luxury of having my own stratum 0 time source, so must rely on…
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1 answer

Does AWS cli do a data integrity check on sync with s3?

I've been looking into using AWS cli for data integrity checks to verify a backup has been transferred from a Linux file server correctly to AWS s3. Likewise, I would like to verify when restoring a file from backup to the Linux file server it also…
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1 answer

LDAP passwords encryption (userPassword attribute)

I'm trying to import passwords from an LDAP to a MySQL database. When I look at the userPassword attribute for the known password test I get this: userPassword:: e01ENX1DWTlyelVZaDAzUEszazZESmllMDlnPT0= The password at this stage is base64 encoded,…
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5 answers

md5sum of large files gives different results sometimes

I have an AMD quad core, 8 gb RAM, 1 SSD EXT2 (2 months old), 2 HDD EXT4, approximately 1 year old. I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 x86-64 and when I compute the md5sum of large files (9 GB) sometimes I get different values than the one stored on a reference…
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4 answers

Is it secure to encrypt my POST variables to md5 before sending them?

I have a simple login form where a user enters their username and password. When php receives the vars via POST, it encrypts the password to md5, then compares it with the database records. My question is: would it be more secure to encrypt the…
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2 answers

Different md5sum on 2 NFS clients

2 machines are mounting the same NFS folder(which is on a single 3rd machine). Files get uploaded from either client server to this mount, usually in chunks. Server A might handle a chunk, then server B the next, all with start and end points…
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3 answers

Can I force the passwd command to use MD5 hash (and not crypt)?

How can I force the passwd command to use MD5 hash and not to use crypt? I need to get the passwd command to talk to the ldap server (which it does) and use MD5 when I change passwords for the users.
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2 answers

Can "tar" backup incrementally?

I have my home folder with a few GB. Is it possible to run tar on it, create a home.tar.gz, and then for changed files, it creates home1.tar.gz only with modified files from previous tar (thus being an incremental backup)? I would like to check the…
2 answers

changing shadow hash algorithm to bcrypt: how to rehash

I want to change my SHA512 shadow file to use bcrypt as shown in this question/answer: Enable blowfish-based hash support for crypt The problem is that i run into a chicken and egg problem, because the existing shadow-file is SHA512 encrypted, which…
Fabian Zeindl
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