Questions tagged [package-management]

Process of installation, deletion and update the software configuration in the operating system using a pre-prepared packages.

400 questions
1 answer

Should /usr/local/bin be owned by root?

Package manager Homebrew (I'm on OS X, but I'm curious about Unix-based security in general, as it pertains to directory permissions) set the owner of /usr/local/bin to my user (it's root by default, right?), which means that now I can install…
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3 answers

Install Debian Backports kernel automatically

I've got the following pinnings set: Package: linux-image-amd64 Pin: release a=wheezy-backports Pin-Priority: 1001 Package: * Pin: release a=wheezy-backports Pin-Priority: 499 I get the following error: $ sudo apt-get install…
Tim Stoop
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5 answers

How to patch CVE-2015-0235 (GHOST) on debian 7 (wheezy)?

This vulnerability was found in glibc, see this hacker news post for more info. As described in the debian bug tracker, the vulnerability was already patched in testing and unstable. I'd like to patch it as early as possible, so is it possible to…
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7 answers

Clear OS always showing "Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec"

Have been trying to install clear os addon but nothing is working as i am facing this error on every mirror in the .repo file. # yum install squid [Errno 12]…
Blue Gene
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2 answers

Odd behavior of apt-get with post-inst instructions, and .desktop files

We have a number of hand-built (with fpm and jenkins) .deb files in a local Apt repository (reprepro). These .debs contain a .desktop file that will be picked up by xdg-desktop in a post-inst script. If we install the deb file by hand, on a new…
Tom O'Connor
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13 answers

How do I stop Ubuntu from starting daemons I've not explicitly asked to run?

One of the basic principles of computer security is never to run anything you don't need. I was pgrepping for a process today when I noticed that my Ubuntu 9.04 (desktop) machine was running a git server daemon. After a quick swear, I discovered…
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1 answer

How to completely remove a package in Ubuntu (like it never existed)

When I remove a package in Ubuntu using apt-get remove package, it always seems to leave behind a lot of files... for example, log files in /var/log, config files in /etc, data in /var/lib, etc. How do I COMPLETELY remove every trace of a package in…
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2 answers

Show updated packages with Ansible package management

I have a simple Ansible playbook that I use to run updates on all the servers I manage: - hosts: ubuntu tasks: - name: install all updates apt: upgrade: dist update_cache: yes autoremove: yes autoclean: yes - hosts:…
Gerald Schneider
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3 answers

Install application/HTTP services to "/srv"?

I have been working with a team who used to install all the application and HTTP services like Apache or Tomcat to the '/srv' directory. I suspect mostly in order to keep the installed services separated from the OS as much as possible. For my own…
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3 answers

yum update, how to make rpm package updateable

need a link or tutorial on how to make an rpm package work with yum UPDATE. i have it and already works with yum INSTALL and yum ERASE, but is there somewhere info on how to make rpm package work when using yum UPDATE (what code to add, in what…
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2 answers

RPM removal does not remove delivered dirs and leaves garbage

I deliver an application via an RPM. This application delivers various directories and files. E.g. under /opt/internal/com a file structure is being copied. I was expecting that on rpm -e all the file structure delivered under…
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2 answers

'pip install carbon' looks like it works, but pip disagrees afterward

I'm trying to use pip to install the package carbon, a package related to statistics collection. When I run pip install carbon, it looks like everything works. However, pip is unconvinced that the package is actually installed. (This ultimately…
9 answers

Is there any decent repositories for CentOS or Fedora?

I'm known as a hater of RPM/Yum based OS, just because i think their lacking of decent package repositories (at least for recent software). While in Debian/Ubuntu, there are a lot of good repositories with recent packages. I'm not "bleeding edge"…
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5 answers

macports vs fink

Which one is preferred? I am comfortable in Unix-esque environments and recently purchased a Macbook. I am currently using macports, as it is from Apple, but dont like how python 3.1 becomes /opt/local/bin/python31 (actually, i dont mind the path,…
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2 answers

RPM packaging multiple versions for simultaneous install

Are there some guidelines, or does anyone have suggestions on how I should package something that I need to be able to have multiple versions of installed at the same time?
Nick Anderson
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