Questions tagged [clearos]

ClearOS (formerly named ClarkConnect) is a Linux distribution, based on CentOS and Red Hat Enterprise Linux, designed for use in small and medium enterprises as a network gateway and network server with a web-based administration interface.

Features include:

* Stateful firewall (iptables), networking and security
* Intrusion detection and prevention system (SNORT)
* Virtual private networking (PPTP, IPSec, OpenVPN)
* Web proxy, with content filtering and antivirus (Squid, DansGuardian)
* E-mail services (Webmail, Postfix, SMTP, POP3/s, IMAP/s)
* Groupware (Kolab)
* Database and web server (easy to deploy LAMP stack)
* File and print services (Samba and CUPS)
* Flexshares (unified multi-protocol storage which currently employs CIFS, HTTP/S, FTP/S, and SMTP)
* MultiWAN (Internet fault tolerant design)
* Built-in reports for system statistics and services (MRTG and others)


29 questions
7 answers

Clear OS always showing "Operation too slow. Less than 1 bytes/sec"

Have been trying to install clear os addon but nothing is working as i am facing this error on every mirror in the .repo file. # yum install squid [Errno 12]…
Blue Gene
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2 answers

Routing using Linux with 2 NIC cards

Configured Clear OS to be in Gateway mode on a machine with two NIC cards. eth0: with ip which is connected to a modem and thus have internet connectivity. eth1: with ip which is connected to…
Kevin Parker
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1 answer

How can I disable Windows file locking on Samba shares?

When I open a Microsoft Office file from one of my Samba shares and then I disconnect and reconnect from the network I have to save my files as a copy because the file was somehow changed to read-only. I need to be able to save files/overwrite them…
Tristan Hall
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2 answers

Increasing `iptables` verbosity and determine logging location on a CentOS based server?

Having an odd problem here with regards to pound reverse proxy no longer directing traffic properly on a CentOS based distro (ClearOS 6.2.x). I believe that it's an iptables issue or something else in that I see nothing to even indicate inbound…
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1 answer

Is This Normal LDAP Behaviour In CentOS Linux?

Hello fine people! As a novice in the Linux world, I have managed to learn enough to put into production a ClearOS 5.2 server running the CentOS Linux Distro. This box serves as my Primary Domain Controller, LDAP Server, and OpenVPN server as well…
Kismet Agbasi
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1 answer

Linking 2 computers with ClearOS, filter packets/check for any kind of attack then send to Computer2

I'm going to buy two computers which I'm going to use them for : Computer(1).Receiving and filtering packets. ( the pc has two network boards) .CLEAROS Computer(2).The Game server for receiving packets. (one network board ) .Windows7 Computer (1)…
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1 answer

ClearOS - how to avoid getting stuck at a fsck message at boot?

I have had this happen a couple times - I have a ClearOS Enterprise 5.2 box, and due to a power outage or similar, it ends up showing an error at boot and saying that fsck needs to be run (I think it said with (or without?) the -a parameter). …
Scott Szretter
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0 answers

Setting up a failover enabled infrastructure with both VPN & direct ISP traffic (proxied) to a LAN & direct ISP to another subnet / LAN, need input

I'm looking to solve the following problem in the cleanest most succinct way. I would prefer to use a single device / server to accomplish this, but realize that I might need to pull together some additional tools to accomplish it. I thought it…
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1 answer

cyradm delete mailbox permission denied

I have a new ClearOs 7 system. It has Cyrus IMAP installed. In trying to copy the mailboxes from the old server, I seem to have screwed up one of them. It has a folder called Junk E-mail which is only partly there. I am trying to sort it out with…
Nikki Locke
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2 answers

More control over my local server

im running a clearOS server on my local network (small company of 10 developers) we use it as a developement server to test our work and show it to clients in test process each developer has a unique username and password to access the…
Med Abida
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0 answers

ClearOS Proxy - Block all traffic but two sites and 3 DMZ ips

I've been trying to two days now to get ClearOS to do a proxy setup for my network. This is what I need to do: I need to block all outgoing traffic no matter what it is, all ports and HTTPS as well Then only allow two sites, the companies and…
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1 answer

How can I map a network share after a successful client VPN connection?

I've been recently tasked with providing VPN functionality for some "road-warriors" at my workplace. I'm running a CentOS 5.4 Linux server. I've chosen OpenVPN as my VPN server and have successfully deployed and tested several Windows XP and 7…
Kismet Agbasi
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2 answers

iptable - configuration for outbound traffic from local network

I reinstalled a ClearOS box, which is based on CentOS. The previous install ran fine for 3 years, without a glitch but I may of misconfigured something on this install along the way, as things are not working as they should. Browsing internet does…
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1 answer

How do I setup a routing rules to allow https traffic

This is about a clearOS installation. eth0 = external interface (dhcp Internet) eth1 = internal lan, static eth2 = dmz The problem is, after initial installation, I was able to connect to external (Internet) without too much trouble,…
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1 answer

ClearOS transparent firewall and web proxy mode possible?

In other firewall software packages I have seen the ability and am hoping it is possible with ClearOS to put it in to transparent or bridged mode where the device sits physically between the client workstations and the internet router, but is the…
Scott Szretter
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