Questions tagged [package-management]

Process of installation, deletion and update the software configuration in the operating system using a pre-prepared packages.

400 questions
2 answers

EPEL 7 proftp package only outdated version available 1.3.5e

Im a curious why there is no new version for the epel-x86_64 ftp server package proftp in the epel 7 repo: There is only verion 1.3.5e avaiable from 09/Apr/2017. The latest…
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Where are the official sources for libzbar?

zbar is a project that provides a barcode/qr-code scanning library and command line programs. libzbar0 is provided in version 0.22 on Debian buster (our Docker images) and in version 0.23 on Ubuntu 20.04 (GitHub actions; same on Fedora 33 btw.). Our…
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How do I reliably determine on Ubuntu when the latest version of a package was made available?

How to create a command, on Ubuntu, to report when the latest version of a given package was released? (I need to check this as part of proving that we install certain updates on certain servers within a given time.) Right now, my script does the…
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Oracle Linux 8.3 can't find libyaml-devel

I'm evaluating Oracle Linux as a CentOS alternatives. During my tests I have to compile a package depending on libyaml-devel but the lib isn't present in the repo. I had the impression Oracle Linux would provide the same packages as RHEL. So why I…
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How does EOL work for a specific package that is part of the main repo in a Linux distribution?

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, which has an EOL date of April 2023. go1.10 is included as part of Ubuntu 18.04's main repository. This is already considered EOL. ( According to The…
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How do I do a clean upgrade of roundcube on Debian buster?

I have a Debian buster machine on an AWS instance. /etc/apt/sources already has the backport url in it. I have installed Roundcube already using the stable release. I want to upgrade this package to the testing release with as little trouble as…
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Unable to install package via yum while using a docker container

I have been working on this project forever, every anomaly has been rectified, the only thing remaining appears to be a docker limitation but I'm still going to try my luck here, in case there's another way. -> I've created a container for CentOS 7…
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How to run a powershell script with logged in user using SCCM 2002

I have a PowerShell script (package) which need to run with the logged in domain user account in order to get a file from intranet site. It should be silent installation without any user intervention By default, SCCM launching the script in system…
Rhonelaan 30
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Docker enterprise installation on CIS AMI of windows 2016 server

I am trying to install the Docker enterprise edition on CIS AMI of windows 2016 server using ansible. I am using PowerShell module for this installation. The code is as below for the docker installation task. - name: Install Docker for windows. …
0 answers

Unable to install mbstring for php7.1 on server running multiple PHP versions

My Centos6 webserver is running php 5.6 and php 7.1 (webmin/virtualmin). I already have mbstring installed for php 5.6, but I also need it for 7.1. When I do yum install php71w-mbstring I get the following error: Error: php71w-common conflicts with…
Ryan Griggs
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How do you build an MSIX package from the command line

My end goal is to be able to run a Powershell install script in a VM and capture all the changes it makes into a MSIX package. I can do this manually without issue using the MSIX Packaging Tool wizard, but I have a lot of apps to package and some of…
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Fixing botched yum update: cannot remove duplicates

I was performing a routine yum update when it starting throwing a stream of 'non-fatal' errors. It was complaining the machine had run out of memory. Nevertheless, yum didn't find it necessary to stop this train. So when it was done and I ran…
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Is a Debian Testing package safety comparable to Ubuntu “Stable”

I've noticed that Ubuntu has newer packages, and I wondered if it has more support or they are less cautious. Turns out it's the latter: "Ubuntu packages are based on packages from Debian's unstable branch, which are synchronized every six months."…
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Reinitialize custom debian source list

I just added new package into ./dists/buster/main/binary-amd64/Packages .. how do I reinitialize it? I assume I have to reinitialize it because when I do apt update I dont see package I just added.
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1 answer

Unable to install some required packages in Red Hat Linux

I Have RHEL6.5. I mam trying to install some required packages.Here is the response Error Downloading Packages: glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.i686: failure: Packages/glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.i686.rpm from Local: [Errno 256] No more mirrors to try. …
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