Questions tagged [package-management]

Process of installation, deletion and update the software configuration in the operating system using a pre-prepared packages.

400 questions
1 answer

Using package from different distribution in ubuntu safe?

I want to install some software (varnish) on a server and noticed that an older version 2.1.0 is in the current Ubuntu release 10.04 and the new version (2.1.3) is being build in the 10.10 ubuntu release. is it safe to use the newer package? and if…
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3 answers

When adding a package, can I trace what was installed? (if I want to remove it)

Say I insall apache or mysql etc. on my ubuntu server. Is it possible to get a report of what was installed and where? (say I want to delete the apache installation).
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5 answers

Installing trunk Mono on Ubuntu

I am quite new to linux. I have to install Mono on a linux machine from souce code. I know the general method: read-instructions, install-dependencies, ./configure, make, make install. However this approach doesn't fit into the general Ubuntu…
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What is the "updater" in Plesk control panel actually updating?

Is it performing operating system package updates (with yum or what-have-you)? Or is it just updating Plesk itself? As a bonus question, if it isn't performing operating system package updates, then how does one do that with a Plesk server?
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5 answers

Where can I search for RHEL5 packages that yum search doesn't find?

In this specific instance, I'm trying to find out if there is a package of the Apache Tomcat Native library available for RHEL5. When I search on the web, I tend to find lots of package browsing sites that just aren't clear at all whether the…
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2 answers

System-install-packages missing in RedHat Enterprise Linux 5

i am using RedHat Enterprise Linux 5.1. When i use add-remove software in application menu, i think, that i wrongly uninstalled something. so after reboot that menu item missing. Also i can't use system-install-packages in terminal. When i double…
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5 answers

What is the best package repository for Debian?

I have a question regarding packages repository in Debian (Lenny). A new server at rackspace cloud service comes with nothing (plain system) so i had to upgrade system and install all necessary packages by myself. But the problem is that default…
Dan Sosedoff
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4 answers

what is the good package format installing binaries on Linux, AIX and Solaris. RPM?

is there a common packaging format for shipping complied files (not sources) on Redhat Linux , IBM AIX and Solaris?
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2 answers

Converting RPM packages for debian fails "due to shell metacharacters"

I am trying to convert the "MegaRAID Storage Manager" RPM packages to debian dep packages. I'm using the alien package therefor as explained here: This is…
0 answers

Advice needed: Server maintenance

On CentOS 7: I have a set of servers that form an environment for a web application. Every client has their own set of servers that have similar software installed on the servers in every set. So every set is the same, but not every server in the…
1 answer

E: Unable to locate package mosquitto

I'm trying to install the mosquitto package, but when I type sudo apt-get install mosquitto it returns E: Unable to locate package mosquitto. I already ran sudo apt-get update and sudo apt-get upgrade. Output from apt search mosquitto: Sortierung...…
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2 answers

Not enough space in /var/cache/apt/archives/

Debian 10 desktop with persistence root@debian:~# df -h Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on udev 3.8G 0 3.8G 0% /dev tmpfs 767M 19M 749M 3% /run /dev/sdb1 2.9G 2.9G 0 100%…
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1 answer

pkg install: Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed certificate

I am trying to install GUI Environment in Oracle Solaris 11.3 but when I executed command pkg install solaris-desktop I got following error Creating Plan (Package planning: 25/362): - pkg install: Chain was rooted in an untrusted self-signed…
1 answer

dividing line between developer and sysadmin for server patch management

I know this question probably doesn't go here. but I dont know which overflow site to use. We have a web server that we use for customers to access our things. Our IT/security team believes it is on my developer to keep the system patched for…
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2 answers

Can you upgrade package while it is still running?

We have a Debian package which we want to upgrade. It installs a set of java jars, which run as a systemd service. Can the package be upgraded while it is still running? My understanding is, yes, this is possible. How does this work? Is the entire…
Nate Houk
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