Questions tagged [package-management]

Process of installation, deletion and update the software configuration in the operating system using a pre-prepared packages.

400 questions
0 answers

dev/test/prod package update workflow for debian/ubuntu

I'm doing more ubuntu server work now (as opposed to RHEL), and I'm not certain how the debian/ubuntu communities handle managing package updates through a dev/test/(staging)/prod environment. The workflow I would like is: apt-get upgrade the test…
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2 answers

Is there a Linux distribution with non-admin, locally installable packages via the package manager?

I'm looking for a distribution that allows users with no administrator rights (sudo or other) to install packages locally under their home directory. Basically Homebrew for Linux. Or, imagine if apt-get install just worked, regardless of…
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Yum issues after upgrading MySQL from 5.0 to 5.5 on RHEL

I'm running RHEL 5.6 and trying to upgrade MySQL from 5.0 to 5.5. I ran sudo yum remove mysql* to remove all the existing MySQL-related packages. Then I installed MySQL 5.5 packages: $ sudo yum install mysql55* Loaded plugins: downloadonly,…
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Using a package manager vs compiling from source for latest updates

I run a Ubuntu 11.10 server at my house and in the past I have been using apt-get to keep all my packages up to date. Recently I noticed that when I run apt-get update/upgrade the version of some software is usually not the latest. Apache for…
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How can I uninstall software from an RHEL 5 system?

I installed Rubygems 1.3.4 on an RHEL 5 system. The way you install that is to download source and run setup.rb. I did not find a package for it through yum list available. Now I'd like to uninstall it because I've decided to use a different version…
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Can you reconfigure roles specified during installation in CentOS?

During installation of a couple of CentOS servers I selected the "Server" option in the package configuration screen at the end of the installation process. It turns out that I only needed a clean base installation, without the options installed by…
Remco Overdijk
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OpenSSH 5.9p1 on Ubuntu 11.10

I want to build a deb package with the latest version of openssh from source. Then I want to install it on my machine. I am running: Linux Ubuntu-1110-oneiric-64-minimal 3.0.0-12-server #20-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 7 16:36:30 UTC 2011 x86_64 x86_64…
Wojtek B.
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Add dpkg .symbols or.shlibs to package made using checkinstall

I have created a simple package using checkinstall of the Oracle Instantclient client libraries, the package installs without problem and is seen in the system. Problem is, that checkinstall doesn't create…
Hubert Kario
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1 answer

Dedicated Debian Package Server

We've got a series of debs for different projects and different environments to install them in: dev, build/test qa (less formal), qa (formal), and production. I would really like to create a system by which I can in some way indicate what version…
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Getting dependencies for a python package for installation to offline host

I need to install some python packages to an offline host. Normally, when you do a python install on one of these packages, if it can't find the dependencies needed it will try to download them from pypi. My offline host can't get to pypi,…
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Why do I get dependency warnings/errors while removing nginx from Ubuntu?

root@ubuntus:~# apt-get remove nginx-light Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package nginx-light is not installed, so not removed You might want to run `apt-get -f install' to correct…
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MSI package different configuration

How can we have single MSI file with different configuration for each user. So when I push it, the configuration will be according to the username. This is for a custom utility application.
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How to get the Ubuntu package description and only that from the metadata database?

To just get the package description and/or "long description" of a Mac port, I can do this: port info --description --long_description vim and filter out information I don't need. How can I do so in Ubuntu? I have read the manual pages for the dpkg…
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3 answers

package won't install correctly using apt-get

Hey there, I'm currently having problems installing proftpd correctly. At some point the pakage was already installed but when I try to install don't get a selection screen to preconfigure the server neither are any config files created. I already…
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1 answer

What are the best practices or pitfalls when managing web app deployment using OS package management (deb, rpm)?

I heard about this at a talk over the weekend and it sounded like a great idea for a few reasons I can think of: ensures dependencies are met and not broken (e.g. web app requires specific version of imagemagick) helps make spinning up new servers…