Questions tagged [openstack]

OpenStack is a collection of open source projects that enables an open, scalable cloud infrastructure. The core of OpenStack is meant to provide consistent APIs and interfaces to a variety of potential back-ends.

OpenStack is an open-source platform for building infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) clouds. It is implemented including several components, most notable being:

  • a Compute service (codenamed Nova) that has functionality similar to EC2 AWS (and implements an EC2-compatible API, as well as a separate OpenStack API)
  • an Object Storage service (codenamed Swift) that has functionality similar to EC2 S3.
  • An Image service (codenamed Glance) that manages virtual machine images used by the Compute service
  • An Identity service (codenamed Keystone) that manages user names and groups (known as tenants) across the OpenStack projects
  • A Dashboard service (codenamed Horizon) that provides a web interface.
  • A Network service (codenamed Neutron) that provides a set of components for makings SDN networking between VM's inside a project.

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611 questions
2 answers

More default gateways than one

How to add more gateways? I need to connect public network to my LAN. Topology now: LAN----->ROUTER<-----LAN Topology i want: PUBLIC NET------>ROUTER<---->LAN<---->ROUTER<---->LAN When i set default gateway as the router to public net, I can't reach…
1 answer

How to enforce Password complexity for root in Redhat

I have used module to enforce the password complexity. But its applying only for selfuser. I mean, If i login into a user(not root) and change the password for that user, complexity rules are applying but if i change the password…
1 answer

Openstack cluster for parallel execution?

I want to try Ubuntu OpenStack with Metal-as-a-Service (MaaS) for web application purposes. I would be using Apache2, PHP, MySQL and Postgres. If I got 5 or more machines setup and installed all those application would it be able work as cluster,…
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Difference between cloud computing , grid computing and parallel computing

There are many definitions out there on the internet , but I am asking here , just because someone may answer it briefly from his/her practical experience with these technologies. How does cloud computing ( Here I mean Open-stack , Amazon ec2 ,…
Ijaz Ahmad
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Use of volume backing file size use in devstack?

I am trying to set up openstack on a single machine using devstack scripts. In configuration for cinder this parameter is given VOLUME_BACKING_FILE_SIZE. I am not able to understand what is the use of this parameter as we are giving name of volume…
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How do you pull guest and host restource utilization data from Suse Cloud OpenStack

I am trying to pull guest and physical server resource utilization from the Suse Cloud OpenStack Infrasructure. In vMWare world, I would connect to vcenter can try to pull the data from performance manager or quick stats. Can any body provide some…
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Hadoop on Openstack vs physical servers

I'm new to Hadoop and trying to understand how it should be installed/configured. From the documentation I see that Hadoop normally should be aware about physical servers configuration (e.g replicating data between racks). So it is not clear for me,…
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Openstack Neutron on top of Amazon VPC

Is it possible to run Openstack Neutron within an Amazon VPC and still be able to use all of Neutron's features (GRE mesh network, etc)? I do know about Amazon's ENI and networking tools within a VPC but they have limits that are too small for our…
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How to configure Openstack on multiple physical servers?

From the book "OpenStack Cloud Computing Cookbook", I find that all the installation of the openstack is on VMs. I am wondering is it possible to install the openstack directly on physical servers without VMs? Actually, by installing openstack on…
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Need help debugging an apache server that locks up

I'm new to apache, and I'm looking for someone to point me in the right direction. We currently run an apache server to handle an internal, low-volume web interface for openstack (horizon) as well as an api server. Recently we've run into issues…
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Openstack Essex: how can I add custom iptables rules

I've got an openstack instance (all in one node) and want to redirect incoming traffic on some port from the host to one of the instance. Openstack Nova set up a whole bunch of iptables rules. How can I properly configure my box so that my custom…
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2 answers

how to upgrade libvirt?

I'm trying to install openstack on RHEL 6.2. Following installation guide from, I'm using the command: yum install openstack-nova openstack-glance After resolved many dependencies, I got the final error: Error: Package:…
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Cross platform, blob storage system

I have a couple of different servers around the house, and a lot of storage on each of these machines. I also have a couple of dedicated servers, and some VMs on these boxes... Most of the boxes and VMs run Windows, but i have a Mac and a couple of…
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Kubernetes on OpenStack

We have a private OpenStack infrastructure. We want to create a Kubernetes infra on top of OpenStack. I want to use whatever block storage device we have in OpenStack as a HA storage cluster which can tolerate failures and is highly available as…
1 answer

OpenStack Instances not running after server reboot

After a power cut at our premise, I tried to start the instances at OpenStack, but none of them started up successfully. What could be the issue? Thanks,
D. Wed
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