Questions tagged [odbc]

172 questions
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How to optimize network throughput with AWS Redshift

I've read about the sslcompression ODBC option in PostgreSQL, which seems to have some artifacts left in Redshift. But, I'm unsure if it is supported at all, and documentation seems to show that sslcompression has been deprecated for security…
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Error: File home.asp Unexpected error. A trappable error (C0000005) occurred in an external object. Using ODBC Connector

How can I get my application pool to stop crashing on me? Background All was working well for many years, until I updated Windows 10 Pro to the suggested update Windows Feature Experience Pack. Current System: Edition Windows 10 Pro Version …
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how to do a mass update of an ODBC system DSN?

What's the best way to do a mass update of an SQL Server ODBC system DSN (change the server name)? Group policy? A Login script? Something else? It's an Active Directory domain (windows 2003) with mostly Windows XP clients, but there are some…
Booji Boy
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How i can install mariadb odbc connector on Ubuntu 20.04

How i can install mariadb odbc connector from sources i tryed install by using this…
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How to login to MS SQL Server using Ubuntu OS & ODBC with disabled SQL Server Authentication and only accept Windows Authentication?

It is only part of my problem but technically, I am trying to access an SQL Server with disabled SQL Server Authentication using ODBC connection string in Ubuntu OS. I already tried to connect with SQL Server Authentication enabled and it is…
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SQL Server ODBC Driver

When I create a new ODBC data source, I'm offered 4 different controllers to access SQL Server: ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server (Version 2017.140.1000.169) SQL Server (Version 10.00.17763.01) SQL Server Native Client 11.0 (Version…
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Is there any way of backing up the ODBC drivers of a server?

I need to replicate the ODBC drivers from one environment to another located on other server, the one that has the drivers I want to backup is running Windows Server 2012 Datacenter and the other Windows Server 2016 Standard (in case it matters).…
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Unable to Connect to SQL Server 2014 SP2 using the SQL Native Client 10

Attempting to connect using the SQL Server Native Client 10.0 Results in the below error: Client Unable to establish connection Shared Memory Provider: No Process is on the other end of the pipe. Forcing the connection to use TCP just changes the…
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MariaDB 10.2.9: Storage Engine 'CONNECT' not found when trying to map MSSQL table

I am running a MariaDB Galera cluster and am trying to access MSSQL from within MariaDB on the first node. I have done this in the past on SLES 12 SP2, this time I am trying to do the same on RHEL 7.3. Unfortunately, MariaDB says "Unknown storage…
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Powershell Get-ODBCDSN error - Timeout when waiting for another concurrent operation to complete

After some database issues the night before, multiple servers (separate from the database servers) are getting the following error when just running the 'Get-ODBCDSN' function from a powershell console: Get-OdbcDsn : Timeout when waiting for…
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Simba ODBC driver (130) Unable to authenticate with Google BigQuery

When I trying to connect to BigQuery with Simba ODBC driver using service authentication, I have error (130) Unable to authenticate with Google BigQuery. But only on Windows Server 2012 R2. For development I using Windows 7 and same settings…
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Mysql Login wildcard not working on a single machine

I am trying to login into mysql on a pc and I just can't figure out what is wrong with it. The error: Acces denied for user 'username'@'' There are 15-20 connections already made to this mysql server with the same user and the same…
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Ubuntu 16.04 PHP 7 & Microsoft ODBC Driver for SQL Server on Linux - odbc_connect undefined

I'm new to Linux. I have provisioned a new Ubuntu 16.04 server, added LAMP via Tasksel, and added PhpMyAdmin. I added my web app to the html folder, and ran my MySQL scripts. This part works fine. I have a PHP page that queries a remote SQL Server.…
Jamie Symonds
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Accessing Mysql Database through ssh tunnel in SQL Server

I've had a look around for an answer to this online without much luck. I want to connect a MYSQL Database to SQL Server Management Studios through a ssh tunnel ODBC connection. I have usernames & passwords for this (ssh passwords and mysql…
Mr H
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How to avoid information message of sqlcmd?

I'm writing script to connect database & execute store procedures, which works fine. But sqlcmd prints extra information message/ invalid characters to command line. Sqlcmd version 13.0.0000.0 Linux is used. Refer following error message, for…
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