Questions tagged [nosql]

60 questions
3 answers

Can I use redis with load balancer?

I am using redis's 1 master & 1 slave. I also want to use both under load balancer.So that I can make use of both redis server at once. Also I want to add slave as master's fail over. So can I do it?
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Archival storage tool: fast, queryable, has api, reliable

I have large quantities of structured data coming in over the network from disparate sources, and that data is archived in the filesystem, parsed/analyzed, and eventually makes it's way into a database (mysql) to be accessed by a few apps. The data…
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Unable to connect to cassandra when using the AllowAllAuthenticator

I installed cassandra on a VM running Ubuntu Server 10.10. cassandra login failure with org.apache.cassandra.auth.AllowAllAuthenticator but I always receive the following error message: Login failure. Did you specify 'keyspace', 'username' and…
Jason Axelson
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1 answer

long dataset of small rows -- infrequent writes, very frequent reads -- what's the best platform?

A part of the platform I am building requires a large data table (starting at tens of millions of records, scaling to hundreds of millions within a year or two, maybe reaching billions at some point). The structure of the data table is: int, int,…
2 answers

master-slave datastore replication, automatic failover, and wackamole

I have 2 dedicated servers provisioned for my next project's datastores. The datastores are configured for master-slave replication. There's no inherent automatic failover but I of course want this. That is, I'd love for access to the master…
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Uploading large SQL Dump to a NoSQL table store

I have a WordPress blog on an Apache server with database in MySQL, I can get a SQL dump of the database which is around 4GB in size how do I properly import that data into a NoSQL table store from Alibaba Cloud
Deepak Kamat
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Riak setup and LB?

Quick question about setting up riak cluster. Do I need load balancer in front of the cluster ? The cluster will have 3 nodes with N =3, so successful write must have the data in 3 nodes. Any suggestion on how to setup this environment ?
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Mirrored cache server on an EC2 Cluster?

I have EC2 instances serving up a non-intensive, relatively low traffic website, and rather than shelling out for ElasticCache I was thinking of doing the caching on each server and mirroring the data in the caches. The problem is I can't find any…
Jordan Reiter
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Can the estimated time of access times for distributed keyvalue stores be below 1ms?

I'm digging through various Redis/Ceph/Elliptics benchmark to determine, whenever its theoretically possible to reach (very optimistic) request completion time below milliseconds in a non-SSD non-million worth-of-SAS-disks environment. It is known…
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1 answer

Which Database (SQL/NoSQL) is the best fit?

I have 2 nodes, one gateway and one worker. Data must be passed from gateway to worker (without direct connection). I would like to store a Key into a database identified with an ID and a Time To Live of 30 seconds. The protocol is very simple : -…
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1 answer

Connecting to Cassandra Cluster

I'm just getting started with Cassandra and had a few questions. I'm going to be deploying a 4 node cluster on AWS as per the DataStax documentation ( Once I have this 4…
1 answer

How to Handle 100 Million Users - MySQL or NoSQL

I need a solution for social networking webapp, the DB structure is users - login credentials. user_order - user orders. user_friends - user friends. We expect a solution to handle 100 million users, whenever user logins I will have to query…
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2 answers

Install Neo4j via Maven

Neo4j says I can install Neo4j via Maven by adding it to my build: org.neo4j neo4j 1.8.1 But do I need a build? If so, what should my pom.xml look like? I…
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1 answer

Getting exposure to big data without having to set up the environment

Is anyone aware of any sandbox where an environment is already set up for big data processing? It can be hadoop, cassandra, pig etc... I'm a sql server programmer, and trying to get into big data/nosql solutions, but having a very difficult time…
Alex Gordon
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1 answer

DB Migration switching from MySQL

I currently have a massive MySQL Data but would like to move over to Cassandra nosql. How hard of a move over would this be? I've not found any examples yet on this being done. It is possible right.