Questions tagged [data-integrity]

44 questions
6 answers

LVM dangers and caveats

I have recently started using LVM on some servers for hard drives larger than 1 TB. They're useful, expandable and quite easy to install. However, I could not find any data about the dangers and caveats of LVM. What are the downsides of using LVM?
Adam Matan
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7 answers

How beneficial are self-healing filesystems for general usage?

I have recently looked into advanced filesystems (Btrfs, ZFS) for data redundancy and availability and got interested in the additional functionality they provide, especially their "self-healing" capabilities against data corruption. However, I…
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2 answers

How to get checksum data integrity on ext4?

On file systems like btrfs you can preform a scrub, which will go though all the data to see if the data still matches the file system checksum. I would like to check the data on ext4 if it is correct before a backup. Question ext4 doesn't have file…
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6 answers

SATA Disks that handle write caching properly?

It's pretty common to see advice to disable the write cache on individual disks used for databases because otherwise some disks will acknowledge writes that haven't yet made it to the disk surface. This implies that some disks don't acknowledge…
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3 answers

How to check PostgreSQL database integrity?

Is there a way to check PostgreSQL database(s) integrity and consistency? I know about SQL Server DBCC CHECKDB and wonder if there is something similar to PostgreSQL.
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2 answers

What is a safe way to back up a sparsebundle that is exported via afpd?

I work with a number of OSX client machines that back up via TimeMachine to AFP shares on an Ubuntu Linux file server, exported by netatalk/afpd. These clients back up at arbitrary times of the day, every day. There are other important…
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It is XFS reliable? In case of a power gone off is xfs riskier that ext3 in data corruption/safey?

I have been having some electrical issues,mostly power going out suddenly for a few months,and although ups solve the thing mostly. But still i am worried about filesystem corruption,and data lost. It is xfs worse than ext3 or less reliable when the…
Abel Coto
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3 answers

Making SATA disk write cache safe

Supposedly (see, e.g., a question about it here), with NCQ enabled drives, the drive write cache is supposed to be safe, as in it doesn't lie to the OS about data being committed to the platters when it isn't. I'm trying to figure out what settings…
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4 answers

USB storage media - data integrity issues on linux

I've always been somewhat paranoid about verifying data backed up to removable media, so after copying stuff to a USB flash drive or portable HDD, I invariably unmount the drive, remount it and diff -q the stored files with the originals. Years ago…
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4 answers

Disaster Recovery/Sabotage Protection for a small business

I've been contacted by two partners in a small professional firm. They are concerned about their other partner and want to take some steps to be absolutely sure that the company's data and systems are safe from "any eventuality." They have one…
Ward - Reinstate Monica
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2 answers

PCI Compliance: File Integrity Checkers

We're looking for a file integrity checker for our windows server environment. Anyone have any good suggestions?
1 answer

Drawbacks of a single drive split into partitions and partitions joined into a ZFS raidz1, vs. single drive ZFS with data duplication?

I'm looking for a minimal ZFS setup to achieve self-healing on a single device. Since I back up my data, drive failures are no concern, but bit-rot is. So far, the only suggestions I've been able dredge up pointed to the copies=2 option, but that…
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Detecting data corruption so we're not backing up corrupt files

I've been thinking about data integrity, I currently backup about 2tb of data and always have one backup of data from a year ago. My concern is if a file became corrupt on our production file server no one would notice because some files aren't…
Sean Bannister
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1 answer

Ensuring VMware ESXi storage integrity?

I'm planning a small ESXi standalone server to host a number of VMs I use here. I haven't decided what facilities to use from the wider vSphere system. The underlying VM storage is local HDD RAID using enterprise HDDs and LSI megaraid, with the LSI…
5 answers

Is there any value in checking MD5 of files after they have been unzipped?

A project I am working on currently requires that the user runs an MD5 hash checking tool on the entire project, after it has been unzipped. They do not currently request that the ZIP itself is checked. If they were to switch to checking the MD5 of…
Craig Mason
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