Questions tagged [network-printer]

248 questions
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Copying CUPS Configuration Between Hosts

I have a printer installed on an arch linux machine at my house and would like to install it on another computer also at my house. The printer is attached via USB to "reformed". "ryle" has the remote printer installed so that he can send jobs…
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Allow only specific people use IP printer

In-office we have several printers, which are installed to users, now when we bought another one, there is a task from manager to restrict access for that printer to only 6 people. I have checked GPO, also tried to change security properties, but…
0 answers

Latest Windows 10 Will Not Deploy Printers Per Computer

I have a small offline network with a number of Windows 10 Clients patched to the latest and greatest using Windows 10 (21H1). They are in a GPO with Deployed printers from our Windows Server 2016 print server. There are 4 printers. Through GPO…
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Iptables configuration for IPP printing to public printer

Is the following configuration correct to allow IPP printing to a remote public printer (to any IP address)? iptables -A IN -i eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --sport 631 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT iptables -A OUT -o eth1 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 631 -j…
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Can a VoIP or an L2 switch prevent a PC from accessing a network printer under 2 VLAN circumstances?

My organization's network topology goes like this: PC -- VoIP -- L2 switch (no IP address, only performs L2 switching)--Network Printer Also, the same L2 switch is connected to an L3 switch for access to the outside network. Furthermore, the VoIP is…
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Avahi / Zeroconf: Configure DNS-SD for external Server

I have a centralized remote printer, say "" with IPP and I need to publish this printer in a local network with NAT. Services for "local" services are no problem, but I could not find any easy to follow solution to configure…
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What is the best way to setup a network printer in an enterprise environment?

As far as I know the printers should get a static IP (with MAC and IP binding) assigned from the DHCP Server (in this case a router) so that the IP is taken from the DHCP IP pool. An alternative to just setup a static IP on each printer manually got…
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CUPS-PDF fails with [STATUS] PDF creation failed

Hello I'm trying to set up CUPS-PDF on a new server (Centos 7) but don't get it working. I see the jobs reported. Also directories are being created according to conf file. But there are no pdf created and the log file shows for each job…
Alexander P
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BrotherDCP-9045CDN scan to subnetwork

I'm trying to set up a BrotherDCP-9045CDN which is shared between 2 network (See Accessing printer from another subnet for the network topology). The printer and scan functions are accessible from both networks (only through IP from 192.168.1.XX…
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Konica Minolta scanner cannot send outgoing mail via SMTP. Can I decipher the correct settings without resorting to onsite IT visit?

I'm not the business network admin, and slightly over my head. Still I'd like to try to fix it. Sorry if this is wrong forum... if so, maybe you can redirect me. We recently made some network changes, breaking functionality for the scanner. First,…
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Multiple independent NIC - slow network print (printer discovery?)

I have a network printer (Samsung) connected to WiFi router, printing from notebook (Win7) connected to the same router using WiFi worked well; DHCP - network, gateway, printer on standard TCP/IP port - I…
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Can I use a network printer(static IP) connected within ethernet LAN through wifi router?

We have a TP link wifi router which is connected to local ethernet LAN. Our office laptops are connected to wifi router via wifi for internet. My question is, can we access network printer residing in ethernet LAN as well over wifi router from our…
3 answers

How do you configure an HP LaserJet 5000N printer using the front control panel to have a static IP?

What are the steps required to configure static IP for an HP LaserJet 5000N printer using the front control panel?
Matthew Rankin
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Printer vs RDS server - Jobs forever stuck in the print queue

Sysadmins, i need your aid! My colleague f*ed me over and assigned a ticket that we're all stumped about for a few days, i hope you guys could help me survive it. We have a Windows Server 2016 RDS server (along with a print services role) that our…
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Windows Server 2012 R2 printer deployment ghost printers

I have problem with printer deployment in Windows Server 2012 R2, so the problem is when deploy printer with one driver, and then change driver for that printer, i have ghost copies on computers in domain and on server only one printer. Another…
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