Questions tagged [net-snmp]

Net-SNMP is a suite of software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol.

Net-SNMP is a suite of software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol (v1, v2c and v3 and the AgentX subagent protocol):

  • supports IPv4, IPv6, IPX, AAL5, Unix domain sockets and other transports;
  • contains a generic client library, a suite of command line applications, a highly extensible SNMP agent, perl modules and python modules.
91 questions
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Does my SNMP device just not support snmpbulkget?

I've got a Cyberpower 81002 PDU. It works well. In trying to get data from it using snmpget for multiple OIDs I would sometimes get: Error in packet Reason: (tooBig) Response message would have been too large. So I learned about snmpbulkget. The…
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SNMP timeout/stuck mid way

I have a proxmox 5.2 machine (4.15.18-8-pve) and snmp installed with default config. when I do a snmpwalk it outputs some information but then hangs. Any future snmpwalk requests don't get any response (unless I restart the snmpd service) What could…
Yif Swery
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SNMP Trap passing notification to the script for further processing with NET-SNMP

I have been trying to create a simple alert of interface down status on dell s4810 switches by using NET-SNMP "traphandle". I was wondering how it could be possible to pass down notification information to the script so I could parse the text? I am…
A. Smith
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1 answer

Getting errors when retrieving the list of MIBs from a snmp daemon

I'm trying to configure and use the SLES 11 (OpenSUSE) snmp daemon. The first thing I want to do is to run the snmpd daemon and query the availables MIBs. I do this by executing the following: sudo /etc/init.d/snmpd start sudo snmpwalk -mALL -v1…
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SNMP Port Channel Monitoring

I am struggling to find an appropriate OID that will allow me to monitor the status of a port channels member mode status's. We have several scenarios where equipment is connected to a MUX and the long haul fiber behind the MUX goes down (Interfaces…
Michael Moser
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snmpbulkget is giving values of next oid instead of giving the oid mentioned in the argument. Why?

I thought snmpbulkget acts like snmpget except that it can support multiple oid requests. But I see weird behavior. It gives next OID info instead of what is asked: snmpbulkget -Cr1 servername IF-MIB::ifSpeed.7.0 IF-MIB::ifInOctets.7…
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Is exist methods for tune GETNEXT for many many many of sequential OIDs?

I am coding in C some tool for monitoring ethernet switch by snmp v1 and Net-SNMP lib. In one of the step I get FDB table from switch. It gets by request getnext with OID . After I get for example: getnext…
Black S.
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2 answers

Monitoring SNMP network interfaces on zabbix

Some network devices have a lot of interfaces to be monitored, Is there way for zabbix to index them and create items and graph for each interface automatically(not the right word)? I hear that items_prototype and graph_prototype is the way to get…
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Can a snmpd.conf access control entry contain multiple networks?

If I want to restrict SNMP access to a list of networks in snmpd.conf, can I do something like: rocommunity secret, (Just so nobody chastises me - "secret" is an example - I know one should never use that for an actual…
Wade Williams
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2 answers

What does this snmp v1 ID mean

We seeing two Dell DRAC started reporting following warnings snmp trap server3. and I have no idea what does it mean, searched that OID and only found this anyone has any idea ? Thanks
Ask and Learn
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SNMP access with encryption

I'd like to configure my SNMP v3 (NET-SNMP) agent to limited user range with encryption. Could you give me a short hint how to setup encryption with NET-SNMP? Do you have any experiences in using AES/3DES encryption algorithms with NET-SNMP? My…
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snmpv3 EngineID for Traps in net-snmp

I'm trying to collect simple logs from Cisco devices using netsnmp with SNMP v3. I can get the messages to appear in my snmptrapd, but I have to manually add the EngineID to for them to talk. E.g., until I do so, I see messages like: usm: no match…
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CentOS, Timeout: No Response in remote SNMP access

i have installed snmp, utils using yum install net-snmp yum install net-snmp-utils This is my /etc/snmp/snmpd.config syslocation System Location syscontact # source community (password) com2sec Mybox …
GP cyborg
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Community string indexing error in non-cisco switches

I am trying to retrieve CAM table information from non-cisco switches. I am using D-Link DES 3526 and Brocade fastiron sx 800 switches and installed net-snmp. When I execute the cmd: $snmpwalk -v 2c -c public@[vlanid] [ip-address]…
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Perl - Using Net::SNMP::Interfaces to list interfaces of host

How could i get a list of all interfaces on a host with snmp, i am using. use Net::SNMP::Interfaces; my $interfaces = Net::SNMP::Interfaces->new(Hostname => 'localhost', Community => 'public'…