Questions tagged [net-snmp]

Net-SNMP is a suite of software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol.

Net-SNMP is a suite of software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol (v1, v2c and v3 and the AgentX subagent protocol):

  • supports IPv4, IPv6, IPX, AAL5, Unix domain sockets and other transports;
  • contains a generic client library, a suite of command line applications, a highly extensible SNMP agent, perl modules and python modules.
91 questions
1 answer

Additive SNMPd configuration in CentOS

I have a small program that I am preparing for release. As part of its functionality, it queries SNMP for a few statistics. The MIBs in question are installed by the default net-snmp package, but are not enabled by the default…
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snmpwalk to ipv6 address timeout

Snmpwalk is failing. I don't know why. I have a host configured with a global ipv6 address. Snmpd is listening on ipv6. netstat -l|grep snmp udp6 0 0 [::]:snmp [::]:* udp6 0 0 [::]:snmp-trap …
Neil H Watson
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Did not find 'zeroDotZero' in module SNMPv2-SMI

I have a perl script that searches through our switches to find which one hosts a given IP address; this script uses net-snmp libraries to poll through a daisy-chain of ethernet switches (think core / distribution / access) until it finds the…
Mike Pennington
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Is there any use case for SNMPv3 context for traps

let's say I want to send SNMP v3 trap/inform message to the manager. Usually I use USM SHA authorization with AES encryption. The command looks like: snmpinform -v 3 -e 0x111111111 -u myuser -a SHA -A mypass1 -x AES -X mypass2 -l authPriv…
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Turnkey Net-SNMP

Trying "apt-get install net-snmp" command to use SNMP commands. but the server says "Unable to locate package net-snmp" This is where I'm told I require Net-SNMP; but it looks like net-snmp isn't…
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snmpget error: “No Such Object available on this agent at this OID”

I want to create my own MIB. I'm struggling on this from couple of weeks. I followed this tutorial and using net-snmp 5.7.3. What I'm doing is: My setup: I have two VM's, both Ubuntu 16, one is snmp-server with IP: and the other…
0 answers

Make Nagios stack alarms when no connectivity to HP OVO

I'm implementing a small Nagios instance on a dedicated laptop to monitor some telcom devices. The alarms have to be sent via our customer's reporting tool (like HP OpenView) via SNMP Traps. Nothing fancy here. However, the subsystem is mobile and…
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2 answers

How to receive snmp v3 traps without specific enginedID?

I'm using snmptrapd on linux from net-snmp package. I'm trying to make some perl script to handle snmp traps. I'm already have such script and it works with snmp v1, v2c traps and with snmpv3 traps but only when I specify engineID explicitly both in…
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2 answers

SNMPTT No access configuration - dropping trap

I have a host server that has its own MIB file, but I need to be able to catch the MIB traps on Nagios 4.1 core. I'm using the SNMPTT plugin installed on a RedHat 6.5, but I'm not able to get my traps inside my SNMPTT. I generate snmp events…
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snmpget "No such object available on this agent at this OID"

I have been working on trying to get a value with a custom MIB through SNMP This is my custom MIB: MY-MIB DEFINITIONS ::= BEGIN IMPORTS MODULE-IDENTITY, OBJECT-TYPE, Integer32, enterprises FROM SNMPv2-SMI ; psutest MODULE-IDENTITY …
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Why isn't snmptt translating this trap?

I have a device that is sending snmp v1 traps and snmptt cannot translate them. To grab a copy of the trap, I stopped the snmptt service, and copied the trap to /tmp. The OID I'm trying to trigger off of is: . Here's…
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snmpbulkwalk hangs at certain OIDs

While setting up some hosts in Check_MK for SNMP-only monitoring I've found some hosts where snmpbulkwalk appears to 'hang' and then timeout while processing a certain OID. eg: OMD[prod]:~$ snmpbulkwalk -v 2c -c public…
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1 answer

How to pull SNMP information from Windows commandline without installing software

I would like to be able to quickly pull SNMP information via commandline such as device uptime. I noticed Net-SNMP's snmpget.exe can do this; but it looks like I need to install Net-SNMP first before I can use that executable. Isn't there any way…
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snmpwalk on a Cisco MIB imported in a Redhat server

I am experimenting with MIB files so forgive me if this sounds crazy. I wish to import a Cisco network device MIB file into a RHEL7 server having net-snmp and then use solarwinds snmpwalk to collect data. I have imported the MIB from…
1 answer

How to monitor in Cacti the packet loss of Linux Server (Net SNMP)

I'm testing my network infrastructure where I'm using iPerf and UDP protocol. I'm running Cacti an open-source, web-based network monitoring and graphing. SNMP server is enabled in Linux servers. First of all, so far, Cacti is able to monitor all…
Tim Luka
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