Questions tagged [net-snmp]

Net-SNMP is a suite of software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol.

Net-SNMP is a suite of software for using and deploying the SNMP protocol (v1, v2c and v3 and the AgentX subagent protocol):

  • supports IPv4, IPv6, IPX, AAL5, Unix domain sockets and other transports;
  • contains a generic client library, a suite of command line applications, a highly extensible SNMP agent, perl modules and python modules.
91 questions
1 answer

Available Memory SNMP MIB for post-2016 kernel/CentOS 7+?

It looks like the "MemAvailReal" actually only reports free memory, not available memory. Is there a more recent version of this MIB or a different standard MIB which measures available memory? I tried this from a CentOS 7.3 system with the…
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SNMP service crashes on reload - Kernel error

My server has a SNMP service (NET-SNMP) started with systemd. It runs well, except that every 3 days, at 3:00 PM, the service crashes. I notice in the log that there is a reload of the agent. Then it crashes. The service is reloaded because of a…
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How to get an engine ID from Agent server before create SNMPv3 user on NMS

When I want to create a SNMPv3 user on the NMS, there need to input an engine ID which is an identifier string from my agent server for each user, because I don't know the agent server's engine ID in advance, so I input an casual id. For…
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CentOS - SNMP timeout: No Response from remote host

Hopefully someone can help me, I've searched this site and none of the answers have proven successful. I've spun up a CentOS VM and installed net-snmp & net-snmp-utils. I am trying to do a snmpget or snmpwalk request to a remote host, (specifically…
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Is there a standard MIB to look up a Linux system's users and services via SNMP?

I know that you can look up open ports and installed software. But is there a way to draw the connection between them to know which service is listening on a port? And is there any way to look up a system's users? I am looking for a way that uses…
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SNMPv3 do not work in zabbix

If I run snmpwalk on the same machine of zabbix server I can collect data with SNMPv3 snmpwalk -v3 -u Usnmp -l AuthNoPriv -a MD5 -A 'AuthPass' 10.x.x.x . DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance = Timeticks: (61650508) 7 days,…
Joao Vitorino
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SNMP monitoring

I trying configure SNMP trap in CentOS without positive result. Purpose: Configure SNMP trap on SNMP Agent for checking if file exist and send message to SNMP Server. For testing purposes I've put "exit 1" into /tmp/ instead checking if…
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1 answer

Collectd SNMP plugin unable to find MIB

Using Collectd to poll Cisco gear via the snmp plugin. I have the needed Cisco mibs (CISCO-MEMORY-POOL-MIB and CISCO-PROCESS-MIB) loaded into net-snmp and snmpwalk can see them fine. But when I try to add them into collectd I get the following…
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0 answers

How to set snmp trap threshold

I want to monitor some firewall devices by snmp.Now, I can get cpu info of device by snmp4j. But I have no idea how to use snmp trap to get specified warning and error messages from device. How to set CPU threshold so that a trap message will be…
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1 answer

snmpd becomes unresponsive (Centos 6)

In the last couple of days, a Centos 6.7 mailserver on which I am monitoring is cotinuously timing out on snmp queries. No changes have been made to the server in the period immediately preceding the change of behaviour (I know...), so I am inclined…
Alien Life Form
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0 answers

net-snmp change default port 161 to something else

Ports 161/162 are in use by a java software, so the requirement is to use 163 for net-snmp [root@testSRV snmp]# netstat -apn | grep 162 udp 0 0 ::ffff: :::* 2827/java …
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snmpd won't generate traps

I'm trying to get snmpd to inform our monitoring system when an event such as low disk space takes place. I'm using snmpd on Debian 8. My snmpd.conf file looks like this: ## # Daemon ## agentAddress udp:161 master agentx dontLogTCPWrappersConnects…
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1 answer

Is EngineID configurable with snmptrapd

I have a SNMP trap sender, in which I have to configure the EngineID of the receiver (doesn't seem to support discovery) in case of SNMP V3 Inform!. And my receiver being snmptrapd, the EngineID seems to be a random generated one on each restart…
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3 answers

How to selectively use mutliple interfaces with Net-SNMP?

I have this monitoring network setting for Net-SNMP listening to multiple Ethernet interfaces on my home gateway but it would only take the following combination from the snmpd.conf configuration file: single IP address single IP address,…
John Greene
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1 answer

SNMPv3: Remote snmptrap engineID not found

I'm having trouble getting snmptrapd to accept remote SNMPv3 TRAP messages. Here's my simple snmptrapd.conf: root@snmptrapper:~# cat /tmp/testsnmptrapd.conf createUser -e 0x80001f8880013da3af54da7882 skohrs MD5 PaSSWoRD DES createUser -e…
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