Questions tagged [mysql5.7]

17 questions
1 answer

Jira upgrade 8.19.0 cannot connect to mysql 5.7.35

I have confluence and jira running on a standalone server. I just upgraded confluence - no problems. It runs connected to mysql and is up as we speak on the latest version. I just updated jira but it says it cannot connect to the…
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Why ubuntu 20.04 cannot support mysql 5.7.33?

Today I tried to update ubuntu from 18.04 LTS to 20.04 LTS. with do-release-uprade After upgrade completed, I tried to start mysql with service mysql start The result is Job for mysql.service failed because the control process exited with error…
0 answers

High CPU since upgrading to MySQL 5.7 from 5.6

We are using an AWS RDS managed MySQL db.m4.2xlarge instance with db engine 5.7.30, we upgraded from 5.6 two days ago and have high CPU since - generally 10-15% higher reaching 100% at peek. Please can you help us understand the reason for this?…
0 answers

Error while adding MySql Plugin

OS- Ubuntu 16.04 Mysql Version- 5.7 Getting error while installing plugin into Mysql ex. INSTALL PLUGIN QUERY_RESPONSE_TIME_AUDIT SONAME ''; check plugin directory show variables like 'plugin_dir'; And its showing…
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Create database creates a db with a #mysql50# before the name

Just in the last day, whenever I create a new database, it is prepending the database name with: #mysql50# And I am unable to connect to this database. Im having real issues on our PROD server as we create a new database often. Please see the image…
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MySql Slave Error_code: 1032; handler error HA_ERR_KEY_NOT_FOUND; the event's master log mysql-bin.00116, end_log_pos 8631

I have Active-Passive-Master-Master replication setup in Mysql with version 5.7. I found the below error in MySql2 (passive Master server) but the status show it's in sync with Master server (mysql1). 'Last_Error: Could not execute Update_rows event…
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Constant problems with php-fpm, CPU usage 100% non-stop (No visitors even)

We are running two servers one for the application and one for the DB and some other software to keep the load off from the application's server, we are running CentOS and the latest version of PHP (7.3), Nginx (1.17.9), Percona MySQL (5.7), Redis,…
Ibrahim S
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Mysql greater threads running

I have my Mysql DB instance in RDS, My CPU is jumping from 50% to 100%.. Later i checked my DB threads.. I was surprised with my thread count. SHOW STATUS WHERE variable_name LIKE "Threads_%" OR variable_name = "Connections" The output for the…
Manikandan Ram
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Perl script slower on other server compared to dev (with same spec)

I'm trying to figure out why a Perl script I have, isn't performing anywhere near as well once I put it on the live server. The whole script is identical on both servers (one is a test server, the other the live one). Both are running this version…
Andrew Newby
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Cannot change max_connections in mysql 5.7

Any ideas why I cannot change max_connections in MySQL. The stack is: Ubuntu 14.04 and MySQL 5.7.15 mysql> select @@global.open_files_limit; +---------------------------+ | @@global.open_files_limit | +---------------------------+ | …
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Converting a Medium Sized Database from one charset to another with minimal downtime

Our company (small business) had recently taken on new business in an APAC region which requires us to support 4 bit characters across our MySQL 5.7 DB. This requirement means that we need to convert our database from one charset to…
Alex Bailey
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Mysql - Data_free value in a table cannot be decreased

We have a large MySQL5.7 production table. We try to decrease the Data_free value. We normally just run the Optimize command on various database tables to shrink it to 7MG size. However, with one table we could not achieve that (We are using…
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Monitoring Byte Usage of Large MySQL InnoDB Buffer Pools?

I am trying to monitor the total number of used bytes in a MySQL 5.7 InnoDB Buffer Pool, that can go up to 100GB, using Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data but it seems that this status variable is a 32-bit unsigned integer when I query it, so it…
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Dropped temporary table still exist on the MySQL DB

I am using Azure Database for MySQL server with the MySQL version 5.7 .The issue that I am dealing is that when I am trying to drop a temporary table with these commands : DROP TEMPORARY TABLE mdl_backup_ids_temp; DROP TABLE…
0 answers

MYSQL missing days of entries

I have a production POS running UBUNTU 16.04 with MYSQL Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.32, for Linux (x86_64) using EditLine wrapper Today the system lost all records between Jan 04 - Jan 09. I have various clones of the exact same system and hardware and…