Questions tagged [myisam]

70 questions
2 answers

What's the optimal server configuration for fastest inserting in a MySql database in this scenario?

I have a MyISAM table partitioned by range with 90 partitions representing the last 90 days. I expect this table to receive somewhere between 500 million to 1 billion records before i start rotating partitions (dropping old ones and creating new…
Gary Willoughby
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2 answers

What is the best way to check the status of a MySQL slave that is replicating from a master?

Specifically I have a set of InnoDB tables and we are backing these up into MyISAM tables to provide full text search. The slave DB routinely falls behind the Master. I am looking for advice on diagnostics or commands that can be used to keep track…
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3 answers

MySQL Table not repairing

Table info: Database name: user_motiva Table name: wp_options.frm wp_options.MYD wp_options.MYI wp_options.TMD when I do a mysqlcheck -r --all-databases it gets hung on that table even if you let it sit all day. Even just a check gets hung at…
Tiffany Walker
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1 answer

Queries Stuck on the 'Connect' Command

So, little back story. We have a master-slave set-up and multiple times per day, we see something like this on the slave database, trying to replicate whats come from the master Id User Host db …
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3 answers

Best my.cnf configuration for a 8GB MySQL server with MyISAM use only

I am preparing a large Drupal 6.x based installation and have setup a dedicated MySQL server with 8GB of RAM. Drupal 6.x uses only MyISAM engine and there will be around 500 concurrent users using the site through two web nodes. Here is a dump of…
2 answers

multiple mysql processes caused DB table to crash

My website has several PHP+MySQL applications. I noticed my website has been very unstable after I installed Limesurvey. myisam tables crashed every 3-4 days. I copied mysql logs here: 110812 04:10:47 mysqld started 110812 4:10:47 [Note]…
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2 answers

Best Mysql DB Engine When Insert update delete query is not made

What should be the best Mysql db engine When query like Update, Insert, Delete are barely made (99% of time are not made) The database has a lots entry mainly numeric data type, the select query are based on conditional statement which compares…
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3 answers

How to disable all MariaDB storage engine except MyISAM?

(in my.cnf) I've tried default-storage-engine = myisam, skip-innodb, and commented out every innodb features, but none of them works
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4 answers

MySQL: how to convert many MyISAM tables to InnoDB in a production database?

We have a production database that is made up entirely of MyISAM tables. We are considering converting them to InnoDB to gain better concurrency & reliability. Can I just alter the myISAM tables to InnoDB without shutting down MySQL? What are the…
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4 answers

Which operating systems are used by large social networking companies?

I often see that Apache is used as a web server and also ruby on rails, php and so on is used. So all in all the most large social network companies using unix operating systems. Because I want to develop also a small application (not which so huge…
1 answer

changing mySQL (5.6) database from MyISAM to InnoDB

I have recently upgraded my CPanel server from mySQL 5.5 to mySQL 5.6 as it now supports full-text searches for InnoDB. Now, I'm not so great at mySQL so I was wondering is there anything special I need to keep in mind other than running ALTER TABLE…
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1 answer

What conditions trigger a table level lock

Working on some vBulletin performance issues, I ran into this situation, where everything is stuck waiting on a table-level lock: Id Command Time State Info 83 Query 47 Writing to net SELECT /*!40001…
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1 answer

Which is more durable? MyISAM or InnoDB with innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0

I am trying to determine the difference in durability between MySQL's MyISAM and InnoDB when innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=0. I am aware of the some of the benefits of InnoDB with ACID. However, under the default settings inserts with InnoDB are…
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2 answers

MySql crash: Incorrect key file for table

We have a MySql 5.5 database running InnoDB on Linux. One table (named table_search) is running MyISAM to be able to perform full text searches. The table has 823 368 rows. Yesterday we had a server crash, to get it back up again we moved the raw…
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2 answers

What happens to InnoDB and MyISAM tables if the power fails during a transaction?

We have two MySQL tables, one is InnoDB and the other is MyISAM. If I execute a chunk of inserts in a single transaction on both tables and the power fails in the middle, what will be the status? What will happen to the newly inserted data on the…
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