Questions tagged [myisam]

70 questions
1 answer

Join performance on MyISAM and InnoDB tables

I am thinking about converting some tables from MyISAM to InnoDB in my mysql server. The tables will certainly benefit from the change because a lot of write requests come to these tables, while there are also quite a lot of read request at the same…
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3 answers

InnoDB vs MyISAM

I'm creating a service like FriendFeed. For the database, what's the best to have the tables with InnoDB or MyISAM? There are a lot of selects and Inserts. The table must be serchable, sortable when a user is inserting something. At the end, it…
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4 answers

Linux filesystem suggestion for MySQL with a 100% SELECT workload

I have a MySQL database that contains millions of rows per table and there are 9 tables in total. The database is fully populated, and all I am doing is reads i.e., there are no INSERTs or UPDATEs. Data is stored in MyISAM tables. Given this…
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3 answers

Backing up MySQL MyISAM databases by copying the physical folders

I have a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine and on it I have 2 MySQL MyISAM databases. These databases are quite large as they are over 20GB in combined size. I update these databases once a week. (I disable my web site in the process - but this is OK…
3 answers

Any solution for MySQL Servers to avoid rendering them unresponsive when running big queries?

I do run several mysql servers for several clients, there is a common problem I used to see. When I run some big query against big databases, for example: I have a MyISAM table with several fulltext indexes, and around 8.7 million records, if I…
1 answer

Size of MYI index smaller on slave server

I've recently altered a huge MyISAM table (80 million entries) by adding a new value in an enum field. After I did this I've checked the health of the table on 2 slave servers which are used to replicate the master server. I've noticed that MYI…
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Running mysqlimport on a MyISAM table for hours, Data_length stays at 0

I'm trying to import a fairly large file (5Gb, ~130M records) into a MyISAM table (mysql 5.1.61). It's been running for more than 5 hours now with no errors displayed, and I can see "LOAD DATA INFILE ..." in the process list. However, when I run…
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2 answers

which is faster mysqldump/restore or alter table?

I have InnoDB databases and they are using the same ibdata file, the size of this ibdata is around 250G. now i have one of those DBs around 100G. My manager asked me to move this DB to another server and to use innodb_file_per_table. now i can't…
Alaa Alomari
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2 answers

Weird MySQL Errors After Distrib Upgrade (SQL 5.0 > 5.1)

Just updated Debian from Lenny to Squeeze on one of my servers. It hosts a MySQL server. Upgrade went fine, but afterwords, when MySQL starts up, it checks the databases to make sure they are okay. I am getting errors though for tables that are in…
ThaKidd KG5ORD
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1 answer

MySQL deadlocks when trying to drop large fulltext index

I'm trying to just drop a 500mb fulltext index on an older 4.1 MySQL MyISAM table. When I do it, the cpu pegs to 100% and sits like that for over 10 minutes. This cannot be normal, right? I gave up and just restarted mysql and index is still…
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2 answers

Merge data from two mysql server

I have two old mysql servers and now I bought a new server and I want to migrate the files to this server, my question is if I copy all those files to the new server will the mysql recognize this files, or do I have to change some options. Both…
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How to check what query caused the lock

I have some problems with my server applications and it sometimes causes some tables to lock themselves and then I got thousands of queries waiting for the table being unlocked. But it won't happen. Is there any way to check what query could cause…
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MySQLdump deadlock on a myisam table?

Today I woke up with our production server down. Not happy. We pinpointed the problem to a daily cronjob, that does a full mysqldump from the production database, to a remote server. The SQL command were simply mysqldump -u myuser -pmypassword…
Silver Dragon
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1 answer

Can I change a MySQL table back and forth between InnoDB and MyISAM without any problems?

I have a site with a decently big database, 3Gb in size, a couple of tables with a dozen million records. It's currently 100% on MyISAM, and I have the feeling that the server is going slower than it should because of too much locking, so I'd like…
Daniel Magliola
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1 answer

What are some general tips to make InnoDB for MySQL perform at its highest?

I've been using MyISAM exclusively for several years now and know the ins-and-outs pretty well of how to optimize it, but I've just recently started using InnoDB for some of my tables and don't know that much about it. What are some general tips to…
James Simpson
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