Questions tagged [multi-core]

133 questions
1 answer

Number of virtual cores + how to know the right value

from lscpu we get the following lscpu Architecture: x86_64 CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit Byte Order: Little Endian CPU(s): 48 On-line CPU(s) list: 0-47 Thread(s) per core: 2 Core(s) per socket: …
King David
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1 answer

number of cores available on a server

I need to find out, how many cores are available on a server at that moment. For example, it is a 8 core machine and running at 50% CPU utilization. Can this be assumed as 4 cores are available? or is there a more sophisticated way to determine…
Varun Gupta
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1 answer

Tasks on server stay in sleeping

I logged into a server with multiprocessors and started 20 python programs, each processing part of my data. However, it cost too much time so I checked top and found all ipython processes are in sleeping. What's wrong? $ top -u calc top - 13:36:27…
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How strongly does the number of processors influence on the performance?

I use Windows Server 2008 R2 with Hyper-V. I can increase the number of processors in Hyper-V settings ( How strongly it will increase the performance? My question is: Why there are only 4 processers in…
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Can I improve speed in Hyper-V?

I use Windows Server 2008 R2 (it is host) with Hyper-V and a guest running Ubuntu 12.04 LTC. It is my settings: RAM 32768 Cores (virtual processes) 4. (I need 12) I also use virtual hard drive with 2 TB Please, tell me: 1) Do I increase speed, if…
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2 answers

Multi-CPU server with CPUs of differing core counts

Is it possible to have a multi-CPU server where the CPUs do not necessarily have the same number of core counts? For example, a group of 4 at dual core and a group of four at quad core? This question is independent of any OS. EDIT David answered…
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Tracking down high CPU core utilisation

I have a system with 24 cores and for some reason only the first core is at 100% utilisation while the others are in the range of 20-25%. I would like to get all processes that are running on the first core. The OS is Debian 6.0.
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CPU hardware: more cores means lower frequency at some point?

When taking a look at intel processor product list for servers, it seems like there is a correlation between the base frequency and the number of cores. Take this list, there is no processor with base frequency above 3.6 Ghz and more than 10…
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PHP - Multicore for hashing

I have a server with 2 intel xeons on it, this gives me quite a lot of cores. And on that server i have an app, that uses php to hash passwords in blowfish. But the issue is php is not using all the cores it could, so the hashing becomes slow as…
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3 answers

Why do I need six cores in a cpu for a server?

I was getting specs for dell server and one cpu is an Intel Xeon with 6 cores, another 4 cores. What am I getting with this? Do I need six cores? What does that give me? I don't know what mult-core cpus give me but that's about all I can…
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2 answers

For php webserver, what is faster, 1x 24-core server or 3x 8-core servers?

Pricing at Dell, it seems I can either get a single R430 or 3x R220's. The R220's would have 4C/8T processors, giving 24 threads. The R430 would have 2x 6C/12T processors giving again 24 threads. For an CentOS 6 apache web server doing mostly…
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1 answer

Hyperthreading can only create two threads?

HyperThreading can only create two cores/threads ? More can not be created by design or is there any other limitation ?
Basit Anwer
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2 answers

Windows 2003 Server and Core2Duo processor features

I use my computer for development (ASP.NET 4.0/MS SQL Server 2008). I want to install Windows 2003 Server. But I want to know does Windows 2003 Server recognizes and utilizes full features of Core2Duo processor?
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