from lscpu we get the following

Architecture:          x86_64
CPU op-mode(s):        32-bit, 64-bit
Byte Order:            Little Endian
CPU(s):                48
On-line CPU(s) list:   0-47
Thread(s) per core:    2
Core(s) per socket:    12
Socket(s):             2

dose output from lscpu means that we have:

Number of virtual cores - ( 2 X 2 X 48 = 192 )


Number of virtual cores - ( 2 X 48 = 96 )


Number of virtual cores - ( 48 ) 

what is the right answer ?

King David
  • 433
  • 4
  • 17

1 Answers1


You have the following:

  • 48 threads (or vCPU);
  • 2 threads per "real" core, so 24 "real" CPU cores;
  • 2 sockets, each with a 12 core and 2 threads per core (so 24 threads total) per CPU socket.

In other words, imagine having two 12-cores Xeon or EPYC CPU.

  • 44,038
  • 6
  • 98
  • 162