Questions tagged [multi-core]

133 questions
1 answer

KVM host only using one core out of 8

This KVM host is only running one VM/guest right now, and it is running with -smp 1. Top shows only the first core being active. Is that expected when using -smp1? The guest OS is Windows XP. The host is not running much else outside of KVM. OS…
3 answers

2 x Dual Core vs 1 x Quad Core Performance

A license restriction limits us to 2 x dual core servers, or one 1 x quad core server. Should we see better performance running 2 x Dual Core servers or 1 x Quad Core? Dual Core processors are harder to find now. Which would give best…
Karl Glennon
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3 answers

Linux: One cpu core is always in 0 use

Today I notice a very strange thing. One cpu core is always in 0 use . Is it a bug? Cpu0 : 0.0%us, 0.0%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 0.0%wa, 0.0%hi,100.0%si, 0.0%st Cpu1 : 37.7%us, 44.4%sy, 0.0%ni, 13.9%id, 2.6%wa, 0.0%hi, 1.3%si, 0.0%st Cpu2 :…
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4 answers

Web- and DB-Server: High clock rate and less cores vs. less clock rate and many cores

I am currently looking into setting up a new infrastructure for a hosting project of mine. Basically it will be managed hosting with a strong focus on Django-based apps. All will be Linux-based of course with PostgreSQL as DB and either nginx or…
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On Multiple Processors sytem, System load is high while most of CPUS are idle

See the following output of "top". Any idea? top - 17:33:25 up 7 days, 28 min, 4 users, load average: 12.04, 8.35, 6.30 Tasks: 477 total, 2 running, 474 sleeping, 0 stopped, 1 zombie Cpu0 : 14.2%us, 11.9%sy, 0.0%ni, 64.6%id, 0.0%wa, …
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4 answers

How to force a process to run on a particular cpu?

I know that taskset can be used to force a process to run on a particular cpu. How can I force tomcat to run on a particular CPU? I then want to run apache bench on a seperate CPU. Update I appreciated your suggestions on NOT to do this, but I'm…
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2 answers

How many cores are available in this case?

We're managing 2 production server. One is RHEL4 and other one is CentOS5. In order to find the load average, I need to determine how many cores the server has got. I used the command $ grep cores /proc/cpuinfo to find the no. of cores…
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Single server investment for MPI and GridGain

Our department has $16k to buy computer hardware for high performance computation. The purpose is to do simulation and data analysis using multithreaded applications written with MPI or GridGain, so we want low latency between the cores. Storage is…
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2 answers

Multicore license: ESX Vs Citrix Xenserver

Possible Duplicate: Can you help me with my software licensing question? VMware ESX is free for upto 6 cores per CPU only Vsphere Advanced version is required for 12 CPU cores does Xenserver 5.5 free support greater than 6 cores per CPU/Socket?
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Q8300 Core-2 Quad vs X3360 Xeon

I'm looking at this ABMX server, and trying to decide on the CPU. I'm purchasing 2 servers, to be used as dedicated web and DB servers for a web site that has low traffic now but could ramp up quickly. Just trying to decide if it is worth about…
3 answers

2 - 2ghz quad core processors or 2 - 3.0ghz dual core processors

I'm trying to decide which spare server I should use to build a backup file/print server. These are both Dell PE2950 machines that haven't been used in about a year or so. One has 2 2.0 ghz quad core procs, and the other has 2 3.0 ghz dual core…
1 answer

why when creating e2-small it shows it has 2 vCPU and when checking configuration it shows it has only 1 vCPU

This is why I get when creating a e2-small machine This is what I got then checking the machine after creation: This is what is shown on the page This is what I get when using cat…
1 answer

What is equivalent of taskset on powershell?

What is equivalent of taskset on powershell ? I mean if you don't know what is taskset, the command to start a process/application on dedicated pool of CPU cores. I didn't find anything similar, does it exist that possibility ? sorry for so basic…
francois P
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0 answers

How to get cpu usage per core or normalize based on frequency in Windows?

We were able collect windows trace (ETW trace/ ETL) and it provides a lot of information about the system and resource usage by the processes. Is there any way to extract cpu usage time per core (not the total cpu usage)? Also, how to normalize the…
2 answers

Load average explanation for multi-core systems

I'm trying to understand the Load average in my Debian system. I've read some explanations of the displayed values and I came to understand that the number represents how "overloaded" my system is. So, the 0.5 load average means, that my system…
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