Questions tagged [msmq]

Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is a message queuing implementation developed by Microsoft and deployed as part of its Windows platform since 1996. MSMQ is included on most versions of Windows but it's not installed by default.

90 questions
1 answer

What security considerations should I be aware of when using MSMQ?

I am currently evaluating whether MSMQ is going to be suitable for use in an application that is sold to large companies. MSMQ will be used to send messages between multiple processes on the same machine, with the possibility of these separate…
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2 answers

Encrypting MSMQ

So I want to do asynchronous, disconnected, across-the-Internet messaging with WCF. Probably due to my background in Apache ActiveMQ, I'm looking at MSMQ for this. In ActiveMQ, it was a simple thing to encrypt a queue connection; you simply chose an…
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MSMQ private queue messaging accross servers

I have a hosted server which relies heavily on MSMQ for messaging. Without getting into specifics of the overall system, I now have a private queue which I need it's content sent to a private queue on another server. The other server is not on the…
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Intermittent delay sending MSMQ message across network

I'm experiencing an intermittent problem when sending an MSMQ message from one server to another, where the message is sent from one service, but is not received by the consumer for up to 30 minutes. Turning on end-to-end logging…
Dan Ellis
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MSMQ Storage Quotas Mismatch

Given the situation were the storage quotas are different on the send / receive servers. Which one overrides? For example the message limit on the sender is 1GB but on the receiver it's 10GB, does the queue on the receiver grow beyond 1GB?
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MSMQ not being emptied - removed the MSMQ limit chrashes server due to insuffient space

I currently having a issue with a message that keeps getting bigger and bigger. and when I check each individual message It is empty?.. Why are these not removed automatically? These Messaes and the increasing MSMQ is causing our prod server to…
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2 answers

Can't load MSMQ COM Object on Windows Server 2012

My VBScript tries to load MSMQ COM Object Set MSMQQueueInfo = CreateObject("MSMQ.MSMQQueueInfo") I enabled Messaging DCOM Proxy Script can't load COM object:
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Is there any way to configure MSMQ to receive messages via HTTP on a port other than 80 or 443?

I have a service that receives MSMQ messages and also hosts an API. The API must run on port 80 (for argument's sake, not worth going into here). Other services must be able to send messages to this service via HTTP. Therefore MSMQ must be able to…
Andrew Myhre
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MSMQ missing from Server Manger after patching

We have MSMQ installed on a Windows 2008 R2 installation. Recently, MSMQ disappears from Server Manager after each patching run. Server manager console cannot show the MSMQ branch that is supposed to be under Features. The MSMQ service is still…
1 answer

Redirection mapping in MSMQ. Messages not sent

I have a setup where I have a chain of servers that I need to send messages between: A -> B On A I have an application which puts a message on a local MSMQ queue. This queue needs to forward the message to a MSMQ queue on B. The messages do not…
pac w
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1 answer

When does an MSMQ message end up in the Dead Letter queue?

What circumstances would cause an MSMQ message to appear in either of the dead letter message queues? It can happen if an application sends a transactional message to a non-transactional queue or vice versa. Are there any other reasons a message…
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1 answer

IIS 8 and MSMQ over HTTP without WCF

I am trying to config a new Server 2012 R2 server running IIS 8 and MSMQ. I have create a private queue and trying to send it messages over HTTP from a server in another domain. I have granted the Everyone group Full permissions and using Wireshark,…
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1 answer

MSMQ receives messages only from some clients

I have a non transactional Message Queue on a windows server 2008 (data center edition) with 31 clients. The connecting servers are not within the same workgroup or domain (don't know if that plays a role). The problem is, that the queue only…
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Monitoring Memory Usage on a Machine that Uses MSMQ

Based on this thread, it seems that it's "normal" for the MSMQ process to take up an much memory as is available until it comes under memory pressure. It seems most monitoring tools base memory usage on on Working Set memory. This includes the one…
Phil Sandler
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1 answer

Can't get MSMQ to receive messages via FQDN via HTTP

Context - Server 2008 R2 with private queue, IIS setup. Sending messages via HTTP from other computers. [MSMQ is not in the 'default web site'. I changed the ID of my website to 1 to install msmq (after previously un installing it)] I could do with…
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