Questions tagged [msmq]

Microsoft Message Queuing (MSMQ) is a message queuing implementation developed by Microsoft and deployed as part of its Windows platform since 1996. MSMQ is included on most versions of Windows but it's not installed by default.

90 questions
1 answer

MSMQ messages disappear when they get to remote server

I have to create a MSMQ messaging mechanism between two servers in the same domain, SenderServer (MS Server 2012) and ReceiverServer (MS Server 2008 R2). I created a private, transactional queue in ReceiverServer .\private$\receiver, I gave receive…
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Any way to route MSMQ messages based on label?

I have a system with one MSMQ sender (generates about 10k messages/sec) and one MSMQ receiver (2k messages/sec). Generating and sending messages is fast, reading and processing is slow. Hence I want to put a load balancer and use a few receivers. At…
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MSMQ continues to grow even when there are no messages are in the queue

We currently had an issue where MSMQ storage limit has been reached. We increased the limit which allowed MSMQ to quickly process the rest of the message and resolved our issue. After the message queue has been emptied, the folder containing…
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Troubleshooting IIS with MSMQ performance issues - Long response times sometimes

I am currently experiencing troubles with performance over the last few weeks and I need some aid in how to troubleshoot the Microsoft Messaging Que server. The IIS and MSMQ resides on the same serevr. There is several application servers which…
Chris Dale
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2 answers

MSMQ and 64-bit Dependent Clients?

We're in the process of upgrading servers to 64-bit versions of the windows operating system. We encountered the "msmq dependent clients cannot be installed on 64-bit computers" issue the other day. I have found a few documents that state this as…
Joe G
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MSMQ communication between different servers

I'm running into a permissions issue that I think is related to domain permissions/active directory but I'm a developer and not a systems person. I have an MSMQ queue configured on a Windows 2003 server. It is part of the ACME domain. I have three…
2 answers

MSMQ write taking > 1 minute

We have an ongoing problem with message writes to MSMQ being very slow. Our queue is on Windows Server 2008 SP2. The queue is a public queue, addressed at "servername\queuename". The code to send a message to the queue is MessageQueue queue = new…
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win2008 r2 enterprise "Message Queuing" "Access is denied" "The list of messages cannot be retrieved"

on my win7, I run compmgmt.msc and drill to a private queue folder ... when I click "Queue messages" or "Journal messages", I either see the messages, or "There are no items to show in this view". BUT, on win2008 R2 Enterprise, I run compmgmt.msc…
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Is it possible to cluster MSMQ on VMWare VMs?

We have two Biztalk 2010 virtual servers configured to use MSMQ. We would like to cluster the two servers together for fail over purposes. We have been told that you cannot cluster MSMQ in a virtual environment, which reeks of BS to me. Anyone have…
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Put MSMQ storage on D-drive

Our production server each have two drives: C for OS and programs, D for our own platform, log files, backups, etc. We extensively use MSMQ in our platform. I have noticed that the storage folder of MSMQ can be configured and that it's currently…
3 answers

Is Msmq reliable?

Maybe a subjective question, but is Msmq reliable compared to JMS solutions?
Lieven Cardoen
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Message Queueing broken - Configuration MMC is missing now too

Help! I have a Windows Server 2003 partition that was running yesterday with no problems. It has the message queueing component installed, and I had four private message queues in it. I did some work with attaching and detaching SQL Server 2005…
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Does msmq have an interface?

I've used MSMQ on a Windows 2003 server before and noticed I could monitor the public and private queues. Does anyone know if you can do this on Windows 2008 server? If so, how do I access it because I've search and can't find a way to monitor…
1 answer

How do you manage private queue permissions on a windows server 2008 cluster?

On windows server 2003 there was an option to allow a resource to interact with the desktop, this allowed you to run computer management mmc snap-in on the virtual name of the cluster, allowing you to manage permissions of the private message queues…
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MSMQ on Win2008 R2 won't receive messages from older clients

I'm battling a really weird problem here. I have a Windows 2008 R2 server with Message Queueing installed. On another machine, running Windows 2003 is a service that is set up to send messages to a public queue on the 2008 server. However, messages…