Questions tagged [mono]

Mono is an open source implementation of .NET that runs on many platforms, including Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. This allows running .NET applications on platforms other than Windows with little to no modification.

Mono is a software platform designed to allow developers to easily create cross platform applications.

Sponsored by Xamarin, Mono is an open source implementation of Microsoft's .NET Framework based on the ECMA standards for C# and the Common Language Runtime. A growing family of solutions and an active and enthusiastic contributing community is helping position Mono to become the leading choice for development of Linux applications.

128 questions
1 answer

Trying to build OpenSimulator.. nant fails

Output of nant is: Buildfile: file:///root/opensim-0.6.8-release/ Target framework: Mono 2.0 Profile Target(s) specified: build [echo] Using 'mono-2.0' Framework init: Debug: [echo] Platform unix build: [nant]…
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Mono: application not running when web.config in subfolder

I run ASP.NET on Mono. I wanted to run blogengine: I downloaded, put it in /var/www/blogengine, on the console went to /var/www/blogengine and started xsp2. I went to http://localhost:8080, and it ran without…
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2 answers

ASP.NET/mono performance on Linux

Anybody knows how performance is on Linux ? I mean, which server gives you the best performance/delivery time (Apache/Apache2, xsp2, lighthttp, nginx, other) ? Since all goes via xsp2, I'd say xsp2 would certainly be fastest,…
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Configure apache to display external error page on errors

let me start by prefixing my knowledge of apache is basically non existent and that I am trying work with something that was here before me. My problem is that we are hosting an MVC web site behind apache running on mono on docker. We have…
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2 answers

Failed to create shadow copy (CopyFile) While Loading an .aspx page in mono-server

Failed to create shadow copy (CopyFile) Description: HTTP 500. Error processing request Before I begin my question; below is link to my previous problem, It was 503 error; Resolved by enabling seboolian of httpd_execmem: Mono crashes while SELinux…
1 answer

CentOS 7 ASP not working

I have set up a CentOS 7 VM running ISPConfig 3 on port 8080, httpd on 80 and a few other services like Dovecot etc.. I'm trying yo set up the VM so that it can display .aspx pages, but for some reason I keep getting a 503 error. It seems that I…
1 answer

5 second delay for OnlyOffice (mono-fastcgi & nginx) on Linux

Setup Debian 8 (jessie) - fully up to date. Server is in local network, ping <=1ms, bandwith 10..40 Mbit (bing -s 124 -S 1024 localhost ) the server is also running some other webservices, which are idle though. OnlyOffice v8.1 (which…
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Install Mono on CentOS 5.5 using Yum

I'm trying to install mono on a CentOS 5.5 machine. I assumed I will be using the OpenSUSE packages (i'm not sure thought, there are other options like Debian and Ubuntu). I created a mono.repo file in /etc/yum.repos.d with the content …
Yehia A.Salam
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