Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
1 answer

Low traffic Nginx on AWS Ubuntu 11.10 EC2, returns 499 when tested by monit, why?

I have a very low traffic Nginx box that serves as a reverse proxy to an external service. I have Monit on the box to restart nginx if it crashes. Needless to say, nginx stops at least once a day on this machine, and monit has to restart…
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1 answer

Monit & backgroundrb with custom gem paths

I'm trying to use monit to monitor a backgroundrb process (that gets killed occasionally), but I cant seem to seem the start or stop commands to work (i simply get 'execution failed') - though they do work fine from the command prompt. I'm not doing…
Vaughan Magnusson
1 answer

Monit detecting error, but not restarting asterisk

I am running Ubuntu 13.04 with the corresponding versions of monit (5.5-6) and asterisk ( I have monit set up to watch my asterisk log file for disconnection to my SIP provider and restart asterisk for a new connection. Here is the…
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1 answer

Monit action to restart all services

I have configured monit to check for my services, and I'm checking if one of the services still sane. If this service is not working as it should I would want monit to restart ALL the services I'm currently monitoring (as they sort of depend on each…
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1 answer

Can't get monit to start program

I'm trying to get monit to monitor a program and start it if it goes down. Here's my basic config: check process maitre_d_8000 with pidfile /home/tango/env/maitre_d/8000/ start program = "/bin/bash -c 'cd /home/tango/env/maitre_d/;…
Theron Luhn
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3 answers

Passively monitor IO wait spike on process level

We use munin and monit to keep track of general stats about our vps, in last a couple of weeks, we have been running into issues where random IO wait spike is killing our server performance. Since then we have been checking cron for possible…
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1 answer

How to set user who runs command in monit respecting his .bash_profile?

I want to supervise my Rails application running on unicorn with monit. Running following two from shell when logged in as root would fail: "/srv/app/current/config/ start" su -c "/srv/app/current/config/ start" app What does…
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1 answer

Load balance M/Monit collector

I am new to Monit monitoring system. Can we load balance mmonit collector (two instances) to avoid single point failure. I mean if monit collector (instance) is down, whole monitoring system will be down. Please suggest. Thanks.
1 answer

monit fails to start apache

I'm running Apache, and trying to monitor it wiht Monit. The monitoring seems to work fine, but when Apache is down, Monit does not succeed to start it. Monit does detect that it's down, but the start command fails. Below is the monit config check…
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1 answer

Comparison in Monit Permissions Testing

I'm trying to use Monit to check the permissions of a particular directory, but I only care that it's readable to all users. I don't care about any other permissions (write, execute) for the owner, group, or all. I also don't care about any special…
Ian Hunter
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1 answer

Monit Password Restrictions?

Are there password requirements for a monit password? I'm unable to start monit. Doing monit -t shows that the syntax error is a ! In my password. I changed it to % and then it said that character was the problem. Where do I find what symbols are…
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1 answer

Monit runs exec action too often

I've written a script which sends me an sms notification. I call with exec action in monit test. It works, but I'm getting overwhelmed by messages. Is there a way to suppress sending subsequent messages if check fails until it succeeds? Here is the…
Dmitry Vyal
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2 answers

Does exist a linux service for watching/checking (and restarting, i.e. for a segfault) running daemons?

I'm searching for a linux service that watches/checks every n seconds a list of running processes/daemons for detecting (and noticing+restarting the process) any issues (like a segmentation fault in nginx). Is there any?
1 answer

Monit configuration for Apache, MySQL, and Postfix

I plan on enabling Monit on my production server with the below configuration. I'm completely new to Monit and wanted to hear from others on tips or if there were other directives I should consider to bolster my monitoring script based on your…
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4 answers

Monit - script not being executed as expected

I'm working on a Windows 7 machine, having a VM for Ubuntu (image disk: 12.04-desktop-i386.iso). On the VM I installed Monit 5.3.2, and configured some processes and applications. So I created a script to run my application. This application should…
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