Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
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How do I find the PID file for a process given the PID number?

I'm trying to use Monit to monitor and send email alerts about a process when it stops running, but I need the location of the PID file for that process. I can find the PID number using the htop or ps commands and I thought it would be pretty…
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Send Monit E-Mails via Exim

I installed monit on an Ubuntu 18.04 server and I would like to configure it to send e-mails to my personal e-mail address. I heard that I can send them via the installed exim. However, it does not work. As I am new to both mail servers and monit, I…
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2 answers

Program installed for one user cannot be accessed from other user even full path is provided

I have all the npm pacakages installed for a particular user (i.e) not root (/home/otheruser/*) I am using monit to see whether to check the program is running. In this case its pm2, which is in /home/otheruser/.nvm/versions/node/v5.2.0/bin/pm2 I…
The Keeper
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How to stop monit daemon without stop services

I'm new on ServerFault. I'm using monit to start/stop/monitoring services on RHEL7. Sometime I need to stop the monit daemon (for upgrade it or othen reasons). But when I stop the monit daemon (systemctl stop monit ; also tried kill -9 ) monit does…
1 answer

Why does monit complain about not being able to read the pid file?

I'm nrew to monit and have a question regarding the pid files: I have added the following to my /etc/monit/monitrc: cat /etc/monit/monitrc set daemon 30 set logfile /var/log/monit.log set idfile /var/lib/monit/id set statefile…
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Using "monit" - how to detect empty reply from http process (apache2)

I would like to monitor empty replies from my apache2 process as I am running into a problem similar to "Apache gives empty reply" . I am using monit to monitor my processes, so I am going to stick with that! I have the file 'apache2' in my…
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Monit reports certificate self-signed issues after upgrade

After an update to last binary version of Monit, Monit reports an issue about SSL server certificate verification error: self signed certificate in certificate chain
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Cannot access monit web interface

I just installed Monit on my server. I want to access to the web interface to manage it but the web is not accessible. The machine is an instance in AWS, the port is open. I have tried many configurations: set httpd port 2812 use address…
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Can `monit` send alerts to an HTTP endpoint (instead of email only)?

I'd like to configure Monit to deliver 'fail' and 'success' notifications via its alerting system; the global alerting system seems only to support email notifications, and there doesn't seem to be a way to configure 'if alert, do this; on recovery,…
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1 answer

How do I execute monit commands from a shell script without root access?

I've installed and configured monit on a Debian server and opened the http service to localhost and gave rw permissions to the group "monit". I created this group and added myself to this group. The monit daemon itself works perfectly, and I can…
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Monit not able to start program in screen

I have monit able to watch the program but the start script is not working. The stop script works just fine. The when monit tries to start it, it just says execution failed. Monit part check process tsdnsserver matching "tsdnsserver" start…
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1 answer

Missing Monit WebGUI

I cannot for the life of me locate where the source files for the Monit WebGUI are stored. Does anyone know where in the file system this small web server is served from? Google has not been any help either. Thanks
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Monitoring MySQL – "Execution failed"

Got some trouble with a VPS where MySQL dies on me from time to time. As a temporarily fix I've installed Monit to make sure that the process is restarted when it dies. I checked the site today and it was down due to Database error, so MySQL had…
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2 answers

how to get top utilization process by mail using monit

I would like to configure monit tool If CPU usage > 10% then send top utilization process list by mail. how to configure with monitrc file. check process all_process if cpu usage > 10% then exec("ps -Ao user,uid,comm,pid,pcpu,tty…
1 answer

Can you do a monit stop , with a timeout to force kill a process?

I have a long running daemon I need to take down for maintenance every now and then, is there an easy way to run monit stop , but if the process doesn't stop after a period of time then to just force kill it? Or does this have to be part of…
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