Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
2 answers

Monit config restart program

I have monit configuration like this: check process unicorn with pidfile /tmp/pids/ start program = "/etc/init.d/unicorn start" stop program = "/etc/init.d/unicorn stop" restart program = "/etc/init.d/unicorn reload" if mem is greater…
Phuong Nguyen
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1 answer

Monit cannot connect to Solr/Jetty instance

I have my Solr/Jetty up and running well on Ubuntu 12.04. I am trying to hookup my monit conf to monitor it, but it is having trouble connecting to the service. I have Solr running on port 8983 and can connect via http://localhost:8983/solr/, but…
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Is there any way to have monit not try to restart a process?

I have monit watching a process and killing it if it's running for too long. I do not want this process to be automatically restarted, however. I don't have a start program specified, but each cycle, monit logs that it can't restart the process. Is…
Daniel Vandersluis
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using monit to control node.js pm2 response time

I want to use monit for ability to reload pm2 node.js site if response is longer than 2 seconds. This is my monit config /etc/monit/monitrc: check process pm2 with pidfile "/root/.pm2/pids/" start program =…
Maxim Yefremov
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1 answer

Logrotate for node.js app deployed using monit and upstart

I deployed a web application in node.js by following the guide: Deploying Node.js With Upstart and Monit . The app produces some log via console.log(). In the upstart script, it's redirected to a log file (exec sudo -u www-data node app.js >>…
He Shiming
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2 answers

m/monit and ec2 autoscaling

I've been using monit for some time and have really liked it thus far. I recently decided to give m/monit a try and the UI looks great and is super informative. My only hang up is monitoring servers that are autoscaling on amazon AWS and getting a…
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1 answer

Can't get monit to run "exec" actions

I've got a working monit installation on CentOS 6.5. Events are getting detected and alert mail is getting sent, but I'm trying to get other things to happen when an event fires, via the exec feature, and none of these are working. For instance, I…
Jim Miller
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0 answers

monit, unable to start node.js script

I need to run my stats collecting daemon & send alerts, when it is down. I tried thousands of variants.. and last was: check process collect-stats with pidfile /var/run/nodeutils/ start program = "/var/nodeutils/collect-stats.js…
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1 answer

Monit is not restarting process

I have monit to monit a process but it doesn't realize it is down. My monit configuration is this: check process xxx with pidfile /var/run/ group yyy start program = "/etc/init.d/xxx start" stop program = "/etc/init.d/xxx stop" if failed…
1 answer

Monit fails Jenkins HTTP test when Jenkins is on subdirectory

I am using Monit to monitor all of my services. The Jenkins process fails its HTTP test when Jenkins has the --prefix=/ci that I need to run it behind Apache. Is there any way to make Monit search an HTTP subdirectory? Why is it failing on the root…
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1 answer

Issues in monitoring apache tomcat server using Monit

I have installed Monit using the following command in Ubuntu Linux 12.04.1 server sudo apt-get install monit My main goal in using Monit is to restart my - MySQL and Apache tomcat services automatically when they are killed/stopped. #Check and…
2 answers

Monit and amavis

I have noticed that occasionally amavis is not running. I thought monit was watching the process, however it doesn't seem to warn me or fix it. My monitrc entry looks like this and I can confirm that starting/stopping the process with monit…
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1 answer

Monit and Varnish

I am using the following config for monit set daemon 30 check process varnish with pidfile /var/run/ if failed host port 80 protocol http and request "/monit-check-url" then exec…
Jake N
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1 answer

Puppet dashboard monitor via puppet

Did anyone else find it strange that puppet labs recommends tools like monit to monitor the dashboard worker processes? Monitoring the Monitor For additional reliability, you might…
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2 answers

Monitor # of established sockets with Monit?

I cannot figure out how to get Monit to monitor the number of open/established TCP/IP connections on a server so an alert can be sent when "too many" are open. Do you know how this can be setup?
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