Did anyone else find it strange that puppet labs recommends tools like monit to monitor the dashboard worker processes?


Monitoring the Monitor For additional reliability, you might want to use a standard service monitoring tool like god, monit, or runit to supervise the script/delayed_job monitor. You can also look into other ways to run delayed_job workers, as it’s becoming a fairly standard component in the Rails world.

Seems to me like in a puppet environment this would be best managed by puppet! Only I suppose there is no process resource type? Seems like all the process management in puppet revolves around proper services.

That said is there a way to manage the dashboard worker processes via puppet or should I start looking into monit?

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1 Answers1


Keeping the delayed workers alive through a puppet resource should be able to be achieved with a service resource on the puppet-dashboard-workers service, which may be in place from a package install (or may need to be set up manually).

This is probably fine for something like this where it's not the end of the world if they're not running for a bit, but I'd definitely caution against trying to use the agent to keep services running that are actually important -- Puppet's not built as a monitoring system.

Shane Madden
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