Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
3 answers

Debian: How to upgrade MONIT correctly?

I did sudo apt-get install monit but it only installs version 5.9 and the current version is 5.17.1. So I did wget to download the precompiled binaries and now I have these…
John Doof
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3 answers

Prevent monit from checking while restarting

We have the following monit config which restarts tomcat if unable to connect to it: check host Tomcat-Foo with address localhost stop program = "/usr/bin/systemctl stop tomcat.service" start program = "/usr/bin/systemctl start tomcat.service"…
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1 answer

Monit Web Service not available

I'm trying to configure monit on my server using chef solo. When I visit port 2812 response saying this webpage is not availble. config/chef/files/default/monitrc set daemon 30 set pidfile /var/run/ set logfile syslog facility…
Antarr Byrd
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0 answers

Alert on simultaneous failure of multiple monit services

We're using Monit to check our web servers. When the check fails (or succeeds) the corresponding compontent on a status page is updated via a shell script like this: check host web-a-https with address if failed port 443 …
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2 answers

Monitoring zabbix server (itself) externally

I have some infrastructure (servers, switches etc) monitored by a Zabbix server, setup to alert in case of issues; so far so good. But what if the Zabbix server itself (or any of the underlying infra) experiences a problem? One idea would be to…
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how do I set monit to non-daemon mode

I'm trying to get monit to just excite the monitrc script once and then exit. I've tried monit -v -Ic /tmp/monitrc but when I look at the output it says: Runtime constants: Control file = /tmp/monitrc Log file = (not defined) …
2 answers

monitoring muliple machines from one monit webpage

I have multiple machines, a monit instance running on each of them. I'd like one of the instances to be the "master" instance, i.e. the other machines would report to it and I could monitor them all from the master page. Is that possible?
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1 answer

Is it possible to setup Monit to send alerts to Nagios

I am trying to setup Monit on an auto-scaled group of machines. Ideally I would like monit to send alerts to my nagios service (which is already configured to escalate alerts). I have found this old post which asked for such a feature, but I cannot…
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2 answers

How to monitor the postfix mail queue using monit?

Is there a way to monitor the postfix mail queue using monit? the available scripts just check, up/down/memory or CPU. I would like notices when the queue starts filling up. it would be nice to be able to set monitors on the different queues to be…
Sean Kimball
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1 answer

Execute custom monit script upon failure to restart the process

I have a case where empty PID files are being generated by certain processes which are monitored by monit. Monit is NOT so good in handling empty files and tries to re-start the process even when the process is already running and keep throwing…
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1 answer

Awaken monit daemon every few hours for all monitored processes

I am seeing a problem with monit config in configuring the monit daemon to awaken every few hours and start monitoring the processes which were set to "Not Monitored" state. PROBLEM: When the monit changes to unmonitor certain process, the status…
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0 answers

why basic auth loops when using nginx and monit

I was trying to configure nginx so that will access, which is the url monit is listening. Two authentication was set, via nginx(nginx.conf file) and monit(monitrc file). Now, accessing…
0 answers

How to get monit to only alert once when a check fails, not when it comes back successful?

Apologies if this is the same question as How to suppress monit alert if restart successful?, but it appears like it might be different, so I'm asking again.. We want to have a monit alert check when an instance's uptime is 2 minutes. This is to…
2 answers

Configure Monit to monitor PHP5-FPM on Ubuntu/Nginx setup

System: LEMP running on Ubuntu 14.04 I'm trying to configure the tool Monit to restart Nginx or PHP-FPM if ever there is a problem. It is correctly monitoring Nginx however under status for PHP-FPM it says "Not Monitoring". Apparently I'm having it…
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1 answer

Make Monit check OpenVPN client connection status

We're running a multi-site business, each site connected to a central OpenVPN server to provide access to internal systems. I'm currently using Monit to check if OpenVPN client is running and if the remote server is working, but since a few of the…
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