Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
0 answers

Is there a way to include some text into monit's alert message?

I plan to use program check, with it's exit code I can force monit to send alert mail message, ok. But how to include into that message some output produced by checking program? I could modify program to write it's output in some file but how to…
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1 answer

CPU Total is wrong displayed for a process in monit

I am using Monit, and I am monitoring a few processes. I have 12 vCPUS, and system is around 20% usage. Yet M/Monit shows some processes to go up to 100%. Well they actually do but just a single CPU. How can I have M/Monit show CPU usage properly? I…
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2 answers

Possible to not have a monit httpd?

Everytime I do # monit reload M/Monit enabled but no httpd allowed -- please add 'set httpd' statement Reinitializing monit daemon I get the error about I don't have set httpd. This is my /etc/monitrc. set daemon 60 with start delay 20 set logfile…
Jasmine Lognnes
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1 answer

Super simple Nagios alternative?

After having used Nagios for many years, I tried M/Monit, and it is mostly what I want, but still it lacks the option to customize the format of the notification emails sent by M/Monit, which makes it unusable. I have checked…
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1 answer

why is monit stopping apache restart, stop, graceful

After a short period of monit running, I cannot then restart or stop apache, it says there is a conflict, something else using port 80. Apache still serves webpages fine and when I netstat -anp | grep 80 I still only see apache listening to…
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monit lists apache as 'not monitored'

Trying to get monit to monitor apache. No matter what I do I can't get it to work. It reports as 'not monitored'. I've checked that the pid I am using is the root apache process. Running apache 2.24 What does the error message actually mean? Any…
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1 answer

monit restart process periodically

Is it possible to configure monit to restart an application periodically? I'm using monit to check the application health and restart it if it has died. I also want to periodically restart it. Prefer to do it with monit rather than having a cron job…
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3 answers

Monit doesn't pick up httpd process after reset

I've installed Munin and Monit on one of my servers running CentOS 5. Everything is working well, logging and reporting info, except for when the httpd process is restarted. I have Monit set to restart httpd if it hits 2.5gb of memory usage. …
Alex Jillard
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1 answer

Monit: keep record of all test results

My apache server is frequently spawning lots of children. I think there's multiple causes and while I pick them apart, I've band-aided the situation by getting monit to restart services when it spots the problem. One thing that would help is a…
Matthew Exon
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1 answer

Monit HTTP Status code gives a syntax error

My systems are running monit 5.19. When I start Monit, I see the error syntax error 'status' Status appears to be supported since 5.8 so I'm not sure what the issue is. It is being caused by the following directive. check host nlb with address …
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1 answer

How to configure monit, check process to start program when only filesystem is available?

I want monit to check specific process and start it only when the depending filesystem is available. check process Tomcat with pidfile /path/to/tomcat/TOMCAT.PID depends on abc start program = "../scripts/" …
1 answer

Centos Monit ulimit not working

Centos 5.9 I have set the below in /etc/security/limits.conf but when mMonit starts my processes the ulimit is still 1024. If I do ulimit -a it correctly shows 500000 as max open files. In /etc/sysctl.conf I have fs.file-max = 512000. Also root is…
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1 answer

Does monit restart service if service was told to stop via systemd?

I am new to monit and don't use it up to now. Scenario monit should restart PostgresSQL if it is dead PostgresSQL gets started via systemd A sysadmin shuts down PostgresSQL via systemd since he wants to do special maintenance. Does monit start…
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2 answers

Simple tool to monitor HAProxy web requests?

I'm looking for a tool that can monitor the number of requests that are going to the nodes within HAProxy to determine the need to push out another node to loadbalance the requests. Can something like monit/nagios do this? What are some other simple…
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1 answer

Monit run script on restart

So I have been trying to get Monit to run a script on start of a service. While Monit has no problem restarting the service, I of course want to be alerted when if my service required starting, not just when it is indefinitely down. Here is my…
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