Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
2 answers

Monit won't run

I have two identical EC2 instances (the second is a replica of the first), running Gentoo. The first instance has monit running which monitors a single process and some system resources and functions great. In the second instance, monit runs but…
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2 answers

Using runit and monit to run / monitor services

I am configuring some services to run on Ubuntu server. I was going through the link below where they use runit to run the services and monit to monitor the services…
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2 answers

Monit and Thin and Unfound Gems

I've been using Monit to monitor my Thin server and everything was working until I upgraded my Rails version from 2.3.4 to 2.3.14. Now when I try and start Thin using monit it gives me an unfound gem error: Missing the Rails 2.3.14 gem. Please `gem…
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1 answer

Monit failed to restart apache

Apache failed and Monit did not restart it as expected. The error in monit's log is: Error opening Monit id file '/root/' for writing-Cannot allocate memory The problem is that Apache went down due to a lack of memory so... is there simply…
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1 answer

Monit restarting action

I want to execute a script when monit is restarted. For my case, this mostly applies to the restart of the whole server. How can I achieve this? Is there a way beside monit to do this? Background: The server, where I need this, is a virtual server.…
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1 answer

How do I restart MySQL in monit when page contains specific text?

How do I check if a web page contains the text "Error connecting to database" and if the text exists in the page restart the database? Here's what I have so far but it isn't working: check host with address group database …
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2 answers

how to monitor select processes on centos 5.x host?

I would like to monitor a select group of processes, vmware vm's, running on my centos 6 host. "top" gives me most of what I want in that I can use -p to specify only those processes and -c to get the full command line as I'm ultimately interested…
bo gusman
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1 answer

How to integrate monit into web app deployment process

I have: Tomcat with webapp deployed via mvn tomcat:redeploy. Monit, pinging the host and restarting server if ping failed. The thing is there in a moment during the redeployment when ping will fail - and this is normal, actually. So, the question…
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2 answers

monit configuration under CentOS

I am trying to do the following: monit stop mysqld monit: Cannot connect to the monit daemon. Did you start it with http support? it only works when I stop the monit service. Do you have any suggestions?
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1 answer

Monit checking URL follow redirects

I am looking to use monit to keep an eye on my site. I want it to treat it the site like an external user so am testing the url but it doesn't seem to follow redirects. The content check is being performed on the html of the redirect. #request…
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1 answer

Monit: Customize alert message to include command output

I would like to customize the Monit's alert message, so that whenever I get an alert, the email also includes the output of a command like top, so that I will already know more details about what might have caused the problem. Is there a way to do…
1 answer

Sending mails with monit over Google Apps mailserver

I am trying to send notification mails using monit v5.1. I am using Google Apps as a mailserver, so I wanted to use their infrastructure for outgoing mails. I have entered the following information in my /etc/monit/monitrc: set mailserver…
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3 answers

Monit - how to check loadavg only when no backup is running?

I've got Monit configuration with: check system if loadavg (1min) > 4 then alert if loadavg (5min) > 2 then alert I want to get rid of messages every time backup is running at night, but I do not want to turn it off…
Jacek Kaniuk
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1 answer

Change postfix logging behavior to omit connections from localhost due to monit

I have a fairly standard postfix installation which is monitored using monit. Monit checks the connection every so often and when it does, the connection from localhost is somewhat polluting my log files. Is there a way to change this logging…
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1 answer

Kill runaway Phusion Passenger child processes with monit?

Is there any way to monitor and kill Phusion child processes that are using too much memory or cpu with monit? There are many examples for Apache, but since Phusion runs in its own process, runaway Rails threads do not trigger the monit rules for…
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