Questions tagged [monit]

monit is a free, open source process supervision tool for Unix and Linux.

Monit is a free open source utility for managing and monitoring processes, programs, files, directories and filesystems on a UNIX system. Monit conducts automatic maintenance and repair and can execute meaningful causal actions in error situations.

382 questions
3 answers

Monit wont start/stop any processes

I've got monit running on a linux vserver, installed in a custom location /home/user/bin/monit as that is the only suitable location according to the webhost providers. When I installed monit I used ./configure --prefix=/home/user Monit itself…
Vaughan Magnusson
0 answers

Monit unable to start sidekiq on Opsworks server

I have used AWS Opsworks to create some servers. I have Sidekiq running as part of my Rails application. When I deploy Sidekiq restarts nicely. I am configuring Monit to watch the pid and start and stop Sidekiq if there are any issues. However when…
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how to start monit daemon with all processes unmonitored

it seems that by default starting monit the first time when there is no state file(my state file gets blown away on reboot) will start all processes in monitored mode. I want to start the daemon in unmonitored mode, then start up each processes…
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1 answer

Why does Monit perform actions on unspecified cycles?

I am using Monit 5.5 with the CHECK PROGRAM directive to execute an external script that does some work to verify if my app is functioning properly. I want to do this check every few cycles so as to avoid being a burden on the app. My config is…
Dave S.
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Is it necessary to monitor the PID of proccesses?

In some tutorials I've seen the following snippet for monitoring processes with PID: check process nodejs with pidfile "/var/run/" start program = "/sbin/start myapp" stop program = "/sbin/stop myapp" if failed port 8000…
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3 answers

Monit unable to start/stop nginx server

I have problems with monitoring nginx. Monit can monitor nginx and display resources usage (RAM usage, etc.), but is unable to start/stop nginx. I get only a simple message: "Execution failed". Syslog doesn't tell any more information. My monitrc…
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2 answers

Suppress Monit message 'Monit instance changed' on stop/start

I have monit installed on some user laptops/desktop so it can make sure a couple processes are always running/get restarted as needed. But since the devices are regularly shutdown/restarted I frequently receive a message like below which I do not…
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3 answers

monit "check program" with email?

I have this in a monit script (lines 11-13): check program foo with path "/usr/local/bin/" with timeout 300 seconds if status != 0 then alert monit reload says: /etc/monit/conf.d/example:13: Error: syntax error…
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2 answers

Why Monit does not work with my MySQL configuration file?

I'm using a custom configuration file for mysql in /etc/mysql/conf.d/myfile.cnf The contents of the file [client] port = 3306 socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock [mysqld_safe] socket = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock nice =…
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1 answer

Monit check log file content

I am having a issue with Monits content check. I know I can check the log file like this check file test.log with path logs/test.log if not match "something" for 5 cycles then alert But the log file has so many variables and its growing really fast…
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1 answer

Combining uninstall, stop, install, start script via monit

We have socket listener which listens on port 9000 so below is how we wrote the alert for monit. The listener runs via yajsw daemon tool. So currently when it fails on port 9000 we get an email. What we want to extend is that if it is not running to…
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2 answers

Unable to access monit daemon via HTTP from host port using Vagrant

I want to use monit to monitor services on my Ubuntu VM(precise 32) but I cannot access the monit daemon via HTTP from the host (local) machine. I have enabled the following settings in /etc/monit/monitrc: set httpd port 2812 and use address…
Binary Maze
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1 answer

Is it possible for Monit to perform a Sysfence style load average calculation using conditionals?

I am beginning to migrate from Sysfence to Monit on a RHEL Linux box and I wonder if it possible to create the following sysfence equivalent in Monit. Sysfence configuration (partial) For example, our sysfence.conf file declares the following to…
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1 answer

Suppress all alerts for a specific Monit service check?

Under my Monit 5.4 installation, I'm interested in suppressing all alerts for a particular service check. Given the following stanza: check process nslcd with pidfile "/var/run/nslcd/" every 2 cycles start program =…
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1 answer

Monit server went down

One of our developers needs some sort of notification in order to know whether the application is running smoothly or not.And We already decided that we will implement monit in order to get this things done. Unfortunately,here comes another…
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