Questions tagged [mod-security]

ModSecurity supplies an array of request and response filtering rules and other security features to the Apache HTTP Server. ModSecurity is an open source web application layer firewall.

334 questions
2 answers

Modsecurity Ignore/Whitelist IP

I have looked around on the net and have seen many common answers for this , however, none of them are working. I am trying to use this to ignore whenever our scans kick off in the morning. SecRule REMOTE_HOST "@ipmatch"…
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1 answer

SecRuleEngine Off not working on a single domain in virtual host

I have modSecurity installed and working on a server with multiple hosts and I want to disable some rules for one host only. This is what is what I put in the virtual host file: SecRuleEngine On SecRuleRemoveById…
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Apache 2: Limit Ressources

I'm running some web pages on apache 2.4. At the moment I can see a lot of connections like these on status-page: Srv PID Acc M CPU SS Req Conn Child Slot Client VHost Request 2-0 - 0/0/5 . 1297.48 944 2482371 0.0 0.00 0.26 …
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1 answer

modsecurity whitelisting certian types of cookies

I am seeing cookies being generated on our server which appear to be from 3rd party objects in the site and don't show themselves when one logs in or navigates through the site. The cookies are random but all start with Wm. So some of them might be…
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1 answer

How can I decrease mod-security severity?

Actually the module blocks calls with "notice" level. How can I decrease the severity level and take it to "warning"?
0 answers

How install PHP 5.4, mod_security and mod_evasive together without conflict

I need create webserver with PHP 5.4, and install mod_security and mod_evasive. But when I try to join the php 5.4 and the mods on an EC2 server, it returns an error of conflict between the versions httpd. I followed the tutorial link trying to do…
Tiago Souza
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1 answer

mod_security installation not creating /usr/share/modsecurity-crs/

I have a server running ubuntu 14 lamp I´ve installed mod_security: apt-get install libapache2-modsecurity then decided to uninstall using this command: sudo apt-get remove libapache2-modsecurity Then deleted manually (ftp) some files and folders…
0 answers

Apache header order

I am working on a private server application for a web based mobile game that uses php to generate responses. In order to do this I am trying to replicate the behavior of the main server as closely as possible. The main server includes the standard…
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0 answers

Test for length of ARG parameter in SecRule - Mod Security

What is the most efficient way to limit the length of a http request parameter using Mod Security? For example, to limit WordPress comment length : SecRule ARGS:comment "^.{65530}" Would this regex expansion slow mod-security down significantly? Or…
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2 answers

Passwords in modsec log files

Are there any best practices or approaches I can take to prevent certain data (e.g. passwords) from being logged into mod-security's log files? We've a call coming into our Apache server (and onto the Karaf backend) that seems to occasionally…
Jeremy Gooch
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1 answer

mod_security rule to block GET requests via querystring or referer

In the last days in my VPS there are many many GET requests on 1 file that cause a high memory load (all came from a single refer url, with different IPs). Until now I've blocked these requests via .htaccess # by refurl RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER}…
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2 answers

Just added mod_security... want to whitelist a series of sub directories

I am running a host and just updated mod_security. It "broke" a CMS in multiple sites. I want to white list all sub-directories named CMS. How do I specify a rule to do that?
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2 answers

How to Disable ModSecurity without any Errors

I've enabled Mod_Security on my VPS which runs an Ubuntu OS with an apache web server. Now, I want to disable it because I setup another firewall to protect my server. I've tried preforming the steps in reverse order (taking out lines of code and…
Marc Woodyard
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1 answer

mod_security not working at all

I'm trying to make the mod_security work, I searched a lot on the web, and followed this tutorial to configure mod_security (all my configuration files are the same as the tutorial), and when I run httpd -M | grep -Ei '(evasive|security)' it…
Rogerio Chaves
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1 answer

What exactly does the ModSecurity SecCollectionTimeout directive?

I am having a little bit of trouble with a recurring "Failed deleting collection" error message from ModSecurity (see this discussion @ GitHub for some context). In the discussion of this error it is often suggested that the SecCollectionTimeout…
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