Getting these in the logs in rabbitmq node: node1.

  • Ranch listener rabbit_web_dispatch_sup_15672 had connection process started with cowboy_protocol:start_link/4 at <0.31197.2720> exit with reason: [{reason,{timeout,{gen_server,call,...

  • Ranch listener rabbit_web_dispatch_sup_15672 had connection process started with cowboy_protocol:start_link/4 at <0.29846.2766> exit with reason: {[{reason,function_clause},{mfa,{rabbit_shovel_mgmt,to_json,2}}...

Next node is down

  • Management delegate query returned errors: [{<32932.3001.0>,{exit,{nodedown,'rabbit@**node1**'},[]}}]

  • =INFO REPORT==== 7-May-2019::08:51:10 === node 'rabbit@**node1**' down: net_tick_timeout

Not able to debug what exactly is causing it. RMQ node went down because of this error or any other factor is responsible for the same?

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