Questions tagged [md5]

42 questions
2 answers

Prompt server for Etag or MD5

We are a price comparison portal and crawl certain websites on a regular basis. I am looking for a method to save bandwidth by avoiding downloading the same page over and over again if the content did not change and instead make only a head request.…
Radu M.
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How can I ensure non-corrupt file transfer in linux?

I have script scheduled with cron that transfers a file around to other machines using scp filename user@host:~ and today have noticed that sometimes the md5 of the files don't match. Upon closer inspection it seems the file is corrupt. My question…
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Creating an MD5 file for a directory tree for only a given extension

I would like to create an MD5 file of a directory tree, containing only the bare names of the files. md5deep exactly does that, but it cannot filter for files when in recursive mode. md5deep -rb . > md5.txt Is there any way to filter for (*.jpg)…
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HOw to know if files md5 chnaged by virus or system itself centos

I installed OSSSEC to very files have chnaged or not. But sometimes it is giving me false waring and integrity checksums like following files have chnaged. How can i makesure that files are chnaged system not by virus itslef. It is very…
3 answers

Puppet - MD5 sum of string

I would like to name a file based on a MD5 sum of certain characters. Such as $environment and $URL. So from a high-level what I'd want is something like md5("http://$environment/$url"). Does anyone know how I get make this happen? Is there a built…
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Linux md5 checksum issue

I have a directory in which thousands of directories are present. I need to get md5sum of only around 60 directories from this list of thousands of directories. How do I selectively run the md5 on a selective set of directories. I know the below…
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NGINX secure_link returning 403

I´m using the following serve block to serve some mp4 files using NGINX secure link. server { listen 80; listen [::]:80; root /var/www/cdn; index index.html index.php index.htm index.nginx-debian.html; …
Paul Mark
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Ubuntu - Is there any programme for MD5 rainbowtables on Ubuntu?

I've been reading about Rainbow Tables recently. There's a few webpages that will do a reverse look up for an MD5 hash. Is there any programme on Ubuntu that lets me do this? Is there something in Ubuntu that will let me generate my own rainbow…
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Removing old files from home directories

I need to find and remove files older than 2 weeks from the home directories of my cluster. I do not want to let people just "touch" the file to change the modification date and keep it for another 2 weeks. (I'm talking about files of several…
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Compute and update the md5 hash after the fact

So... I just realized that the utility I’ve been using to upload data to azure blobs has only been setting content-md5 hashes for the small files, leaving the larger (more important) files without a hash. What is the best way to compute and update…
1 answer

MD5 for Git's git-credential-osxkeychain executable?

This question copied over from Super-User, where it was apparently unwelcome. Anyway, asked and answered: I'm setting up a GitHub account and have downloaded Git's git-credential-osxkeychain executable via the Password Caching section of GitHub's…
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Understanding linux /etc/shadow file structure (Linux)

Consider the following line taken from /etc/shadow file: root:$1$NFEf74q.$bmukkxAq9dOMJINgEtP7u0:15258:0::::: From this I understand that the hashing algorithm is md5 ($1) and starting from third $ sign is the hashed password consisting of 22…
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