Questions tagged [nutch]

4 questions
4 answers

How i can run nutch on linux kernel?

I want to run nutch on the linux kernel,I have loged in as a root user, I have setted all the environment variable and nutch file setting. I have created a url.txt file which content the url to crawl, When i am trying to run nutch using following…
1 answer

Can I run a site search like Lucene on a single 2 gig server that's also a web & mysql server

My site's pages have exceeded the limit of pages for Google Custom Search so many of the results are not found in our site search. I've been reading about Lucene, Nutch, Solr, etc and I'm wondering if I'd have the requirements for running those on a…
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1 answer

Nutch complains about Java 8 version mismatch but only Java 7 is installed

I am following the Nutch tutorial from I have Solr 5.5.4 from the Apache site and Nutch 1.13 from the Apache site I am using Oracle Java 7, I tried first with openjdk-7 and got the same error (below) I…
2 answers

Adding smaller nodes to pseudo-distributed nutch/hadoop cluster

I have nutch/hadoop pseudo distributed running fine. I want to add processing capacity by adding new nodes which are smaller than master (HD 3 times smaller) and cheaper of course. Since the default HDFS replication is at 3, after balancing the data…
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