Questions tagged [load-testing]

The load-testing tag is for issues relating to the setting up or running of load tests.

Load testing is end-to-end performance testing under anticipated production load, which determine response times for various time critical transactions and business processes.

As per wikipedia:

Load testing is the process of putting demand on a system or device and measuring its response.

Load testing is performed to determine a system’s behavior under both normal and anticipated peak load conditions. It helps to identify the maximum operating capacity of an application as well as any bottlenecks and determine which element is causing degradation.

165 questions
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Test PHP script load on Debian server

Anyone maybe know is there Linux (debian) tool for testing PHP application performance? I want to check in witch places my PHP/MySQL script need optimization.
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How to replay access logs in the presence of timing problem?

I'd like to replay the IIS or Tomcat access logs to do load testing. The access logs contain only Get request, so the session data/post data is not a problem here. However two timing problem is present at default IIS and Tomcat logs The access log…
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4 answers

Network testing: looking for any test daemon and client combination to measure firewall load with 500..2000 incoming connections

I need to measure IPTables/inline Snort impact on performance, so need to put my test server under a good load. Unfortunately, no hardware traffic generator is available, thus connections must be real - e.g. come from other machines (have some in…
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Web Capability Analysis Tool (WCAT) - No Output XML

I have WCAT 6.3 running fine up until the point where it is supposed to generate the log.xml file. In the cmd window, I just see the last Cooldown update, like…
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Firewall perfomance test

What tools you can recomend for firewall and/or VPN perfomance testing (TCP & UDP traffic) ? iperf?
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httperf repeat wsesslog

For httperf with a wsesslog is there a way to repeat the activity in the script without wrapping it in a shell loop? If I do httperf --wsesslog=20,0,foo.wsesslog I get 20 sessions that run through the script in the file. Is…
Kyle Brandt
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Request bursting from web application Load Tests

I'm migrating our web and database hosting to a new environment on all new machines. I've recently performed a Load Test using WAPT to generate load from multiple distributed clients. The server has plenty of room to handle the traffic load, but I'm…
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Stress Test Interpretation

I ran a basic stress test and am having trouble interpreting the results. Setup Super simple node.js API (returns a string for a GET request) deployed on heroku's free tier Increased RPS until I started to see a lag in average response time…
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Running out of TCP ports in linux(Red hat) while doing load test

I'm doing load test for 30000TPS(transaction per second) using gatling, I facing the following error i.n.c.u.Errors$NativeIoException: newSocketStream(..) failed: 99128 (99.43%) Too many open files > j.n.ConnectException: connect(..) failed:…
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Very low memory usage during heavy load test

I have a wordpress website wich I did a heavy load test on. As you can see below the CPU usage is of course high but at the same time the RAM usage never goes higher than 0,4%. The load test doesn't produce any errors but the loading time of the…
1 answer

Assume platform performance based on Nginx - ngx_http_stub_status_module

Nginx is placed in front of a microservice architecture on which we don't have any insight. We retrieve the metrics exposed by the http stub status and would like to compute an indicator of the platform performance: We cannot use latency on a load…
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2 answers

Purpose of Selenium in load testing

What is the role of Selenium in load testing a webpage if it cannot generate 200 or 300 requests? I understand, the client side automation can be done. But how do I test my web application for a real environment for 1000 or 2000 concurrent…
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What matters when optimizing a nginx server for audio/video streaming?

I am looking for opinions and resources. Serving rtmp, dash, hal with nginx-rtmp-module. Test streaming from another machine with ffmpeg, but will probably use OBS later on. Which nginx settings matter? What's important in relation to hardware…
3 answers

Lightweight Linux tools for on-demand performance monitoring during load testing?

I'm tasked with testing out ProxySQL on a couple of Tomcat test servers, comparing its performance and resource utilization with the current Apache DBCP connection pooling. I've got a rough load testing plan in place, but I have near zero experience…
JK Laiho
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1 answer

Load Testing CPU utilization that occurred while executing at the system level

Is there a way to load test CPU utilization at the kernel level? Output for sar 09:00:01 AM CPU %usr %nice %sys %iowait %steal %irq %soft %guest %gnice %idle 09:01:01 AM all 12.61 9.28 77.46…
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