Questions tagged [launchd]

launchd is a Mac OS X daemon that manages launching programs and network services on behalf of the system or individual users. It attempts to replace most of the functionality of traditional UNIX init, cron, inetd, and other system services.

launchd is a Mac OS X daemon that manages launching programs and network services on behalf of the system or individual users. It attempts to replace most of the functionality of traditional UNIX init, cron, inetd, and other system services.

Some additional resources:

49 questions
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Convention location for JAR files for a LaunchDaemon on OS X?

I'm setting up a Hudson build slave on an OS X machine. I'm using launchd to start the slave using the following plist in `/Library/LaunchDaemons/':
Barry Wark
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Launchd starts job over and over again when it is scheduled to run once per day

I'm using launchd to run a script that should run once per day. Instead it runs a number of times (like 40) until it finally stops. Here is the script:
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how to launchd on demand when port is specified as parameter?

I have a program I want to run on-demand using launchd by running the following command: /usr/local/bin/godoc -http=:6060 This program starts an HTTP app that listens on the designated port 6060. In my property list I have Sockets
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redis-server process keeps restarting when killed on macOS

I am trying to kill the redis-server process on macOS. Whenever I kill it or shut it down, it restarts under a different process id. I've tried killing it three ways: redis-cli shutdown sudo kill [proc-id] : It's running as root for whatever…
YWCA Hello
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Restarting audit on El Capitan

I want to monitor process startup on El Capitan. Darwin MaeLucirdosiMac.home 15.5.0 Darwin Kernel Version 15.5.0: Tue Apr 19 18:36:36 PDT 2016; root:xnu-3248.50.21~8/RELEASE_X86_64 x86_64 Below is my configuration. I have added the ,pc to line…
Justin Dearing
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Error creating a Ruby launchd task with RVM in OS X

I want to periodically run a ruby gem based command. I am using RVM and following the tutorial set out here. My ruby task is called daily_checks.rb and is as follows: #!/usr/bin/env ruby puts 'in…
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Backing up an SVN repository on Mac OS X

I am trying to automate backing up an SVN server on my G5 running 10.5 Leopard. I already have Time Machine set up. I figured it would be best to exclude the SVN repository from Time Machine, and manually make a backup of the repository (perhaps…
Shaggy Frog
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launchctl won't load php-fpm with this LaunchAgent

I'm trying to start php-fpm with launchctl. Running directly from the command line is no problem: $ /usr/sbin/php-fpm -p /Users/dmitry -e Here's the contents of /Users/dmitry/Library/LaunchAgents/dminkovsky.php-fpm.plist:
Dmitry Minkovsky
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0 answers

Java daemon: "...not allowed access to the window system right now." on boot

I have a daemon (/Library/LaunchDaemons/...) configured to launch on boot. However, I get the following error: Nov 17 20:36:24 server.local java[28972]: This user is not allowed access to the window system right now. Nov 17 20:36:24 server…
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Is it possible to stop a service through launchd if the service is started manually?

I am using launchd to start mysql on boot, it is working fine. I am able to stop and start the service using 'launchctl unload' and 'launchctl load' commands. Also I am able to start the service by typing 'mysqld_safe' command in terminal. But, if I…
1 answer

How can I run git daemon using launchd (on demand, inited style)?

I am trying to run git daemon using launchd (on demand, inited style). But git clone git clone git:// fails with Cloning into 'testrepo'... fatal: unable to connect to[0:]: errno=Connection…
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Manipulating Launchd from Python?

I have a simple python script for manipulating a plist file. Once this file is updated, I'd like to have that same script unload and then load that plist file in launchd. Normally, I'd use launchctl from the command line to do it. I could still do…
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launchd as watchdog

Can launchd on OSX (specifically Mountain Lion) be configured to work like watchdog, monitoring processes, after having launched them, to keep them alive? If so, how?
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2 answers

OS X Server script to archive (or empty) a users mailbox every morning

I have a requirement (SpamAssassin 'training') to archive (or delete) two user's (users are junkmail and notjunkmail) inboxes at a given time every day if there is anything in them. Can anyone help me with a script to do such a thing and where to…
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1 answer

Backing up mysql databases with launchd - what's wrong?

I'm trying to setup a backup of my databases on my new mac. I've got the script created and as far as creating the launchd plist file. However, the task seems to run over and over, instead of once a day. I set the StartInterval to 86400, but the…
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