Questions tagged [kubernetes]

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions. Using the concepts of "labels" and "pods", it groups the containers which make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery.

For more details, visit the official Kubernetes page.

2075 questions
2 answers

NFS server on a Kubernetes node?

We have an in house Kubernetes cluster running on bare-metal, can I set up an NFS server on one of the nodes (either worker or master) in the cluster? If yes do I need to change anything in the cluster?
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Unable to connect to posgres using pgadmin

I have a postgres instance inside a kubernetes cluster. I have setup a port forward and if I use the postgres CLI I can connect and perform queries as expected. If I connect via pgadmin it appears to work as expected I am able to see the schemas and…
Andrew Gill
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Recommended disk size for GKE nodes?

When I create a new node pool in GKE, the size of the disks default to 100GB. However, when I SSH into a node that's been up for a while, after running df -h there's only 32GB in use. (I don't actually know where this 32GB comes from) Do the nodes…
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"Context deadline exceeded" preventing pods from being created in AKS

We have been experiencing an issue causing us pain for the last few months. The issue appears to be that occasionally when we request a pod via the Kubernetes executor it fails to create. For example, a spark pod may fail with the following…
Brett Larson
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AWS kubernetes load balancer terminate SSL on port 443 and forward to service on port 80

I'm trying to set up my EKS cluster in AWS with Nginx ingress controller. Nginx ingress controller creates a service of type LoadBalancer which in turn creates a ELB instance that's mapped to the node ports of the service. I'd like to have the SSL…
Michal Artazov
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1 answer

Unable to list services in AWS EKS

I'm setting up my first Kubernetes EKS cluster by following the Getting Started guide but I can't get past the step that verifies access with kubectl get svc. Instead of the list of services I'm getting: error: the server doesn't have a resource…
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1 answer

Does order of network policies matter in kubernetes?

I have a cluster on Google Kubernetes Engine, It has Network Policies enabled using Calico. Until now I have written 12 Network Policies as a form of YAML files. One thing I can't seem to figure out is that if the order in which these network…
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How to log backend latency in Google Http Load Balancer and Stack Driver

We have a running kubernetes cluster on GKE and we Google HTTP Load Balancer in front of it. HTTP Load Balancer logs all requests and we can access them in stack driver logging. But latency is not logged, and I couldn't find a configuration for…
1 answer

Using kubernetes ingress to expose multiple services, without exposing the services with NodePort

I'm trying to set up a cluster like this: +--------------+ +---------------+ | | | | | Express API | | Front End | | | | Static Assets | | | | | +------+-------+ …
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1 answer

Better way to use Perf on a Program in Kubernetes/Docker?

I am running Kubernetes on CentOS 7, and it doesn't seem that the version of perf is namespace aware. If run perf on the PID on the host node (host node found with kubectl describe pods --namespace) I get an error about symbols not being found.…
Kyle Brandt
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3 answers

Kubernetes Pod DNS Resolution

Currently able to resolve all services to IP addresses and telnet and ping them. Unable to resolve pods to IP addresses. Though can lookup pod IP addresses with kubectl and telnet and ping them. How do I need DNS configured to resolve pods in…
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3 answers

AWS could not get token: AccessDenied: User: ARN is not authorized to perform: sts:AssumeRole on resource: Role:ARN

I am following the step guide to set up and kubernetes environment on AWS. It already had some gochchas.. and they have been answered…
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1 answer

How to expose and access MongoDb ports in Kubernetes?

I have mongoDB deployed on Kubernetes. The Database is setup properly and can be accessed using its internal dns name. I need to expose this to the outside world. I have used node port/ loadbalancer to expose port 27017, but I cannot connect to the…
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2 answers

kubernetes connection refused during deployment

I'm trying to achieve a zero downtime deployment using kubernetes and during my test the service doesn't load balance well. My kubernetes manifest is: apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Deployment metadata: name: myapp-deployment spec: …
2 answers

Kubernetes ConfigMap only writable by root

I'm using ConfigMap to expose a php file intended to be shared across pods and writable by the www-data (Apache) user. ConfigMap apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: magento-config data: env.php: |
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