My /dev/md1 is full
# du -x -m --max-depth=1 | sort -n
0 ./dev
0 ./proc
0 ./sys
1 ./home
1 ./lost+found
1 ./media
1 ./mnt
1 ./selinux
1 ./srv
1 ./tmp
4 ./lib32
6 ./bin
7 ./etc
13 ./boot
13 ./sbin
15 ./lib
236 ./root
1047 ./usr
5392 ./opt
11702 ./var
18431 .
There are files that have been deleted but open processes are still active. The result :
# lsof | grep 'deleted'
mysqld 2881 mysql 4u REG 9,1 0 393317 /tmp/ib16UZEE (deleted)
mysqld 2881 mysql 5u REG 9,1 798 393318 /tmp/ibqA5RvA (deleted)
mysqld 2881 mysql 6u REG 9,1 0 393319 /tmp/ibfXpKmw (deleted)
mysqld 2881 mysql 7u REG 9,1 0 393322 /tmp/ibcluSds (deleted)
mysqld 2881 mysql 11u REG 9,1 0 393323 /tmp/ib9jDsiu (deleted)
python 4502 plone 5u REG 9,1 453508 393757 /tmp/tmp2Npr1b.tbuf (deleted)
python 4502 plone 6u REG 9,1 20971520 393766 /tmp/tmps3e2Bl (deleted)
python 4529 plone 5u REG 9,1 0 393724 /tmp/tmpJoTgfW.tbuf (deleted)
python 4529 plone 6u REG 9,1 20971520 393762 /tmp/tmph-di8Z (deleted)
imap 4744 mailboxes 7u REG 9,2 496 21244100 /home/mail/ (deleted)
imap 4759 mailboxes 10u REG 9,2 37720 21244660 /home/mail/ (deleted)
python 5857 plone 7u REG 9,1 2174 405341 /tmp/tmpCB3Rk1.tbuf (deleted)
python 5857 plone 11u REG 9,1 134217728 405343 /tmp/tmpqPyaAD (deleted)
python 5857 plone 18u REG 9,1 4096 405288 /tmp/ffi672jsh (deleted)
python 5871 plone 7u REG 9,1 0 405342 /tmp/tmpVSEquV.tbuf (deleted)
python 5871 plone 11u REG 9,1 134217728 405344 /tmp/tmpt7QsPV (deleted)
python 5871 plone 18u REG 9,1 4096 405287 /tmp/ffiqNqmsh (deleted)
imap 25060 mailboxes 7u REG 9,2 262576 21244694 /home/mail/ (deleted)
If I delete these files does it diminish the size of / var ?
If yes, how to remove these and can I remove them ?
If not, you have another idea ?