Questions tagged [kerberos]

Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol, which allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. Its designers aimed primarily at a client–server model, and it provides mutual authentication — both the user and the server verify each other's identity.

As many vendors have their own implementation of Kerberos, configuration details for each implementation is likely to vary. Here are some links that may help those troubleshooting Kerberos on commonly used paltforms.

1136 questions
1 answer

Company Wide Windows Auth with Chrome and Firefox

I know that we can allow Firefox to allow passing through of Windows credentials by editing the following about:config settings --If using Kerberos-- network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris --If using…
0 answers

Kerberos NFS4 permission denied

** Edit: ** I am not using Sabayon Linux anymore and this problem didn't occur on other distributions. I suggest to close this question. Update: I realized that because of bad hosts file, both machines resolves their local names to instead…
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Can't get postgres and kerberos (gss) working together

I am trying to get postgres and kerberos, via GSSAPI, working together. Having trouble at this point. It does not help that I am really a newbie for both technologies. I have both postgres and kerberos working as expected separately, and am using…
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2 answers

"KDC has no support for encryption type" when setting up cross-realm trust between MIT Kerberos and Active Directory

I am currently setting up an environment where I have a set of Solaris and Linux machines, using a dedicated Krberos 5 realm (MIT, on Solaris 11, krb5-config --version returns: Solaris Kerberos (based on MIT Kerberos 5 release 1.6.3)). We also have…
Elias Mårtenson
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1 answer

Does an NFS export with sec=krb5 *require* that the parent directory also be exported with sec=krb5?

I copied somebody's NFS server/client setup verbatim and am having trouble making sense of what's going on with it. This is the /etc/exports: /export *(rw,fsid=0,crossmnt,insecure,async,no_subtree_check,sec=krb5p:krb5i:krb5) /export/home…
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1 answer

Troubles with sssd and Active Directory Integration

I have Debian Squeeze and sssd installed. When I try to login to server by user 'alexwinner' by ssh I see in the log: (Fri May 11 18:56:03 2012) [[sssd[krb5_child[26281]]]] [get_and_save_tgt] (1): 523: [-1765328360][Preauthentication failed] But…
Alexey Malov
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1 answer

Google Chrome and kerberos authentication against Apache

I've managed to get kerberos authentication to work now with Apache and Likewise Open but so far, Google Chrome doesn't seem to play fair. Unless I start it with chrome.exe --auth-server-whitelist="*" it does only pop-up a login window…
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3 answers

mount.nfs: access denied by server while mounting (Kerberos authentication)

There's plenty of references to this error on Goggle, and even a question here with the same title, but it seems that "access denied by server while mounting" is a catch-all error. I've tried suggestions that others have used to fix this problem,…
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4 answers

Login using Active Directory in Linux using Kerberos 5

I have a problem with setting up auth for users on Linux (Fedora Core 15 to be exact) using Active Directory on Windows 2008 Server with installed support for UNIX systems. I've successfully setup Kerberos, tested using kinit -p and klist to…
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3 answers

Double Hop Window Authentication

I've got a problem getting Windows Authentication (Kerberos) to work when passing credentials from the user, to IIS then from IIS to SQL. I have setup SPN's for SQL, and set the IIS server account up to allow delegation. If I set the IIS computer…
Sam Cogan
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4 answers

Authenticating Windows 7 against MIT Kerberos 5

I've been wracking my brains trying to get Windows 7 authenticating against a MIT Kerberos 5 Realm (which is running on an Arch Linux server). I've done the following on the server (aka dc1): Installed and configured a NTP time server Installed and…
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1 answer

Apache mod_auth_kerb asking 2 authentication

I've configured Apache to use mod_auth_kerberos. So far everything is working nicely for client thats connected to Active Directory and have their browser to NTLM enabled. When clients are not in the domain or the browser configured not to…
Rianto Wahyudi
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2 answers

Exchange 2016 and Sever 2016 DCs: Unknown KDC Encryption type

Team, Exchange environment is all 2016, no mix. Parent and child domains exist, but the functional level of each domain and forest is 2012R2. All domain controllers have been 2012R2 until recently. The AD team (different from me) have introduced…
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0 answers

How does the Linux NFS server implementation of setclientid work?

Does anyone understand the NFS protocol (Version 4) or the Linux NFS server implementation of it well enough to explain how setclientid negotiates authentication? Background: I have a CentOS 7 server that runs an NFS4 server with Kerberos…
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1 answer

Kerberos MaxTokenSize

I had a user who has about 900 groups (some of them were nested so I suspect there was about 1000 groups) and he couldn't log in returning error stating that there are too much IDs. I have run a script to count his token size and it turned out to be…