Questions tagged [pam-krb]

5 questions
2 answers

"KDC has no support for encryption type" when setting up cross-realm trust between MIT Kerberos and Active Directory

I am currently setting up an environment where I have a set of Solaris and Linux machines, using a dedicated Krberos 5 realm (MIT, on Solaris 11, krb5-config --version returns: Solaris Kerberos (based on MIT Kerberos 5 release 1.6.3)). We also have…
Elias Mårtenson
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2 answers

pam_krb5: Error Guessing Name of Local Host Principal

When trying to log into a new box setup with pam_krb auth I get the following: error guessing name of local host principal TGTR failed verification using keytab: Hostname cannot be canonicalized This sounds like a DNS verification error of some…
Kyle Brandt
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2 answers

apache kerberos authentication tickets are not visible under klist

when i configured the apache authentication using the kerberos. it is working fine. It is asking the password and logging into the website. and it is creating a log information like this. /var/log/kerberos/krb5kdc.log Jul 03 15:30:03…
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1 answer

Should domain_realm point to a domain controller or KDC, or is it just the default_realm name?

In /etc/krb5.conf, given the folowing default_realm, should [realms].default_domain point at the default_realm or a Domain Controller (DC) or Key Distribution Denter (KDC)? ada and adb are Windows Server DCs & KDCs. The domain members are systems…
Louis Waweru
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1 answer

sAMAccountName requires DOMAIN\ to authenticate

I am trying to ingtegrate SLES with Windows Active directory server for authentication purposes. We need to use sAMAccountName as login name but its unable to bind if we didn't give DOMAIN/sAMAccountName on ldapsearch command. But ny applicaton's…
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