Questions tagged [kerberos]

Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol, which allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. Its designers aimed primarily at a client–server model, and it provides mutual authentication — both the user and the server verify each other's identity.

As many vendors have their own implementation of Kerberos, configuration details for each implementation is likely to vary. Here are some links that may help those troubleshooting Kerberos on commonly used paltforms.

1136 questions
1 answer

Problems set-up Single Sign-On using Kerberos authentication

I need for Ruby on Rail application set authentication via Active Directory using Kerberos authentication. Some technical information: I are using Apache installed mod_auth_kerb In httpd.conf I added LoadModule auth_kerb_module…
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3 answers

IIS WebServer CreatesNew file: OwnerShip?

IIS is configured for Integrated Windows Authentication. web.config is configured as follows: We are Load balancing between \webserver1 and \webserver2. Windows Server…
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2 answers

Service principal name (SPN) for machine 'testsystem' not found in Active Directory

we are using Virtual PCs for some testing mockup. One VPC is running as Domain Controller with AD configured on it. The domain name is testing.local. We have another VPC in domain running web application (configured as web site listening at port…
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Mixing Redmine and custom authentication method in a single apache virtualhost for Redmine

I developed on Redmine a plugin to automatically log users using the REMOTE_USER given by Apache when its Kerberos ticket is accepted. This plugin works as long as the user has a corporate login, but some developers might come from other development…
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Winbind info shows local users that do not exist

I am setting up Samba on a Linux machine running CentOS 6 (called localhost, and the AD computer I am connecting to is, and I have done everything successfully, except when I type wbinfo -u It shows a local user,…
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1 answer

Kerberos credential cache type "DIR:"

How do I set the MIT Kerberos 5 credential cache type to "DIR:"? See Release Notes at "Major changes in 1.10: Add the DIR credential cache type, which can hold a collection of credential caches." Unfortunately,…
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Kerberos: Running an app with a parameter using krenew

I need to run an application with krenew, but the application also needs to receive a parameter via command line and I need to send its output to a file. From the documentation, it looks like this should do the trick: krenew -t -- sh -c 'compute-job…
Mihai Todor
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0 answers

Kerberos: connection from win app running from IIS to SQL failed

I have an IIS web-application with Windows authentication and impersonation. This application connects to SQL server. In this case Kerberos works fine. But there is a problem. Web-application runs windows application (COM), which also connects to…
2 answers

Cannot access shares via \\servername but \\ip works

To set up the scenario: One of our techs set one of the domain controllers to use Microsoft time. The time IS correct (including Time Zone) and DOES match the other domain controller's time; it was previously incorrect, however. Since the change, no…
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heimdal kerberos in openldap issue

I think I posted this on the wrong 'sister site', so here it is. I'm having a bit of trouble getting Kerberos (Heimdal version) to work nicely with OpenLDAP. The kerberos database is being stored in LDAP itself. The KDC uses SASL EXTERNAL…
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1 answer

Updating delegated Kerberos credentials through SSH using GSSAPIRenewalForcesRekey

I've been investigating options for minimizing the amount of credentials that need to be retyped as credentials expire. One of the big problems I'm having now is dealing with delegated credentials, which interferes with long-running SSH sessions.…
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2 answers

Kerberos with LDAP backend still using db2

I've installed and configured LDAP, installed and configured kerberos to use LDAP as the backend, as follows: [dbdefaults] ldap_kerberos_container_dn = dc=voltage,dc=com [dbmodules] openldap_ldapconf = { db_library = kldap …
Sam Hammamy
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LSA Cache Entries - NTLM versus Negotiate Windows Authentication Providers

We have a situation, due to a recent employee name change, where the HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name property of an ASP.NET web application resolves to the old username. This has been discussed in great detail here, here, and again here. …
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0 answers

Apache Kerberos/LDAP: A required input parameter could not be read: An invalid name was supplied (, Unknown error)

(Debian Squeeze) I have Apache authenticating via Kerberos - that works fine. Now I want to restrict the site to a single group only, so I need to add LDAP authorization. I enabled authnz_ldap and edited the apache config. When I use the "Require…
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2 answers

Passing credentials from a website to a web service on the same server

I have a VB6 backend for a classic ASP site. That VB then calls a web service on the same server using MSXML2. This works all of our servers but one. If I set the web service site to accept anonymous login it will work however if I force only…
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