Questions tagged [kerberos]

Kerberos is a computer network authentication protocol, which allows nodes communicating over a non-secure network to prove their identity to one another in a secure manner. Its designers aimed primarily at a client–server model, and it provides mutual authentication — both the user and the server verify each other's identity.

As many vendors have their own implementation of Kerberos, configuration details for each implementation is likely to vary. Here are some links that may help those troubleshooting Kerberos on commonly used paltforms.

1136 questions
1 answer

Why can't cron access a CIFS share using Kerberos authentication?

I'm on CentOS 6.4. Using kstart I have a TGT kept active using the machine account (ie computername$) from Active Directory. The ticket cache is assigned to root and is located at /tmp/krb5cc_0. I mount.cifs as root using sec=krb5. This works…
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Alfresco with Kerberos: Error creating bean with name globalAuthenticationFilter

I configured Alfresco 4.2.c to work with MIT Kerberos, following the documentation. Because the documentation is only for Active Directory, I adapted some part to Kerberos by reading the forum. Upon starting Alfresco, I get this error: 04:01:38,725…
Nicolas Raoul
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2 answers

Managing user and their credentials in kerberos and openldap system

I am learning to use openldap as backend database for kerberos credentials. It is good that all the programs are working with single sign on. The problem is - I can manage user from kadmin command prompt but there is no alternate method to do that.…
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1 answer

krenew command not working : Permission Denied

I am using a Linux server to perform my simulations. The login and the file-system of the server are protected using kerberos. The file-system is supported using NFS. Since my simulations take a lot of time to run, my ssh sessions used to hang…
0 answers

Problems with kvno + Consultation with kerberos authentication settings

I have clearly identified a problem that I can not solve. I suspect I'm missing something when setting the service running on Centos 6 on Windows Server 2003. First I tell the environment that I'm working and I'm trying to do, then the problem. I…
1 answer

Samba need an ip of same network of Windows Active Directory to make the join?

Im working to setup samba in windows network. The goal is windows users from Active Direcotry uses their passwords to log in samba shares. I am not sure if, in this setup, AD server and Samba Server have to be in the same network? Is mandatory? I…
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1 answer

Conditional authentication based on group membership in AD

I need to authenticate AD users logging into their workstations only if they belong to the security group AT THE MOMENT OF AUTHENTICATION. They're being added to this privileged group right before they actually put in their passwords (they need to…
0 answers

Kerberos Single Sign On

I am trying to implement Single Sign On using kerberos with ssh. I changed the below files and restarted the ssh daemon. /etc/ssh_config GSSAPIAuthentication yes GSSAPIDelegateCredentials yes /etc/sshd_config GSSAPIAuthentication yes When I am…
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1 answer

Troubleshooting NFS authentication problems

I am trying to mount a krb5p NFS export. For this I have followed these instructions. Line in /etc/exports: /home/users,sec=krb5p,no_subtree_check,nohide,async,anonuid=65534,anongid=65534) When attempting the mount on the…
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1 answer

Cannot change Kerberos password with passwd

I set up a common kerberos authentication for my domain. After that, it's working fine without any issues. But a user cannot change the password using Linux command. On analysis on this, I got the below error in /var/log/auth.log: bharathi…
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1 answer

Dig Connection Error on SRV Records

Using Bind9 running on localhost. I have two records in my DNS zone file: _kerberos._udp.GROUP-42.SNOOPY.ISP IN SRV 0 0 88 IN A I can run dig…
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CUPS Negotiate authentication woes

I have been struggling to Kerberize certain services within our domain, one of which is CUPS. The setup is as follows: a central print server connects to each individual printer around the domain and shares them, and each client connects to certain…
Robin McCorkell
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1 answer

How do I find out the current remaining lifetime of my AFS tokens?

I can use klog to renew my AFS token, but I am wondering whether there is an equivalent command to view the remaining lifetime of my AFS token.
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3 answers

SSH + Kerberos but WITHOUT DNS

I was wondering if there's a way to set up SSH with Kerberos authentication without using a DNS server at all ?
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1 answer

IIS, SQLServer, Google Chrome and Windows Authentication

I'm searching the internet for almost 4 days now and I'm stuck. I've created a simple ASP MVC4 Intranet website and I have deployed it to server called: iis. That computer is inside the same domain as I have my computer. Inside my domain I have 3…