I've set up Logrotate to rotate my JBoss Application Server 4.2.2.GA logs nightly. After the log files have been rotated and JBoss starts writing to them again, the new log files begin with as many NUL characters as there were characters in the previous log file, followed by the new log messages. For example, if the JBoss server.log file was 5000 bytes long then, after rotation, the new server.log file will begin with 5000 NUL characters. After several days, server.log begins with NUL characters equivalent to the characters in all the previous days log files combined. It seems as if JBoss is remembering its position in the log file and picking up where it left off in the truncated file. Here is my logrotate config for JBoss:
/apps/jboss-4.2.2.GA/server/default/log/*log {
rotate 30
I can't restart JBoss nightly because that would be too much downtime. I also can't use the log4j DailyRollingFileAppender as it doesn't delete old log files. Has anyone gotten logrotate working properly with JBoss?