I have 2 machines where one of them contains the Hudson CI and other JBoss 7 AS. In Hudson, I have installed "Deploy Plugin", created new job and filled required JBoss manager user connection fields. When I run the job, the project successfully built however the deployment process to remote JBoss AS is not being triggered. No errors or messages about the deployment in log. What should I do?

The deployment is triggered (at least expected) as "Post-build Action" with parameters:

[x] Deploy war/ear to a container  
WAR/EAR files              : **/*.war  
Container                  : JBoss 7.x  
Manager user name          : test  
Manager password           : * * * *
JBoss URL                  :  
JBoss JMX Management port  : 9999

It is not a separate job.

Uluk Biy
  • 141
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2 Answers2


Please describe your job setup a bit more in detail, specifically how are you triggering the deploy as a post build step or triggering a dependent job?

If possible viewing the config.xml can help.

Anadi Misra
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  • updated the question. – Uluk Biy Sep 18 '12 at 09:19
  • AS 7 has admin web and (I think) JMX interfaces locked down by default, so you might want to check on that part; other than that there is nothing that comes to my mind on possible causes – Anadi Misra Sep 18 '12 at 10:19
  • Ok I resolved it. The maven build was configured incorrectly. But I have another problem. The JBoss's management interface has ``, so remote clients can access it. The problem is, `Could not connect to remote:// The connection failed` caused by `Authentication failed: all available authentication mechanisms failed` while trying to deploy. Have you any idea? – Uluk Biy Sep 18 '12 at 13:32
  • test is already added as "Manager User" to JBoss. – Uluk Biy Sep 18 '12 at 13:33

If you need to create an user:

/path/to/jboss/bin/add-user.sh jbossAdministrator

Choose a, Management User, set the password and that's it. Use it on your hudson configuration. Here is the doc for add-user.sh on JBoss7

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