Questions tagged [web-proxy]

15 questions
2 answers

nginx https auto redirect to specific port

I'm not sure if the subject is resuming correctly my question but I'll try to explain it. I have the configuration below in my server, this server has 2 vhosts: and The first vhost needs to listen on 8080 (https) and as you…
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3 answers

Open Source proxy authentication using multiple LDAP

I am working on setting up new web proxies at my job. We were initialy planning on buying Blue Coat proxys but the economic downturn came along and we're not buying them anymore... The great feature that these proxys had was that they offered the…
Antoine Benkemoun
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1 answer

Does a forward web proxy exist that checks and obeys robots.txt on remote domains?

Does there exist a forward proxy server that will lookup and obey robots.txt files on remote internet domains and enforce them on behalf of requesters going via the proxy? e.g. Imagine a website at that has a robots.txt file that…
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How to secure an insecure device on an untrusted network, via a web proxy?

Here's my situation: I've got a network-based device with a web-page interface, and the developers of this device, in their wisdom, did not include any kind of access-control or encryption for the web interface -- i.e. anyone on the same LAN can…
Jeremy Friesner
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Identify diffrent nginx 444 in logs to apply certain fail2ban rules

I have some rules in nginx to block trafic: bad bots/user agents, ips, wp-logins. All rules block with return 444 fail2ban is listing nginx logs, but can't diferenciate the rules all rules are 444. I need any trick to differentiate the nginx rules…
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Squid and internet sharing proxy without configurations on the part of end users

We have several PCs all connected to a switch; What I need from Squid is to share the internet between everyone and at the same time gives me control over what PC can access to internet (password authentication or MAC filtering), with what bandwidth…
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ISA Server - how do I set the default domain for web surfers to log on?

A company recently upgraded from Internet Explorer 6 to 7. Previously, when users were logged in as an account which was not allowed to surf, the ISA Server web proxy would promt them for credentials if they tried, and they could specifiy an…
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Is the best place to put an IDS sensor before a webproxy or after it?

My IDS sensor is currently located after the webproxy and all I am seeing is heaps of packets originated from the Web Proxy to the remote destination IP addresses. Hence, I don't actually see who does what! IDS, on the other hand, detects so many…
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Make squid (or tinyproxy) return cache EVERYTHING and return hits on Internet outage

I am wondering how to configure squid (or tinyproxy) to cache EVERYTHING and return HTTP 200 hits, even on Internet outage or if original source is 404? Basically, I want squid to look in the cache and return whatever it finds there. I have read the…
Prof. Falken
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1 answer

How to configure Windows Server as a Web Proxy?

I'd like to set up a transparent web proxy on my home network. I know you can do this with Squid on Linux. I was wondering if Windows Server includes a web proxy?
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How to use a web proxy in a software without any support for it?

we have a problem on a customer network : a software cannot reach the web, but browsers run fine since they have a proxy configured. The software don't have any option about proxy configuration, and will not be easy to modify just for one client.…
Cédric Girard
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Looking for intermediate proxy reading a proxy.pac

I have a setup where I need a corporate upstream proxy, as well as several differnt proxies that are set up as SSH Socks proxies. In the past I used px on the windows host machine to parse a self-made proxy.pac (which then depending on the host uses…
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NGINX: try_files with proxy_pass in docker container

I use nginx as a reverse proxy for my Node.js application(s) which is running on localhost:3000. Both nginx itself and my application are two separate docker containers. (Separate because later I plan to add more apps to it.) In my app container I…
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2 answers

How to configure squid4 as transparent proxy?

There are many posts how to do that, most for older versions. According to this post, to setup squid as transparent server for port 80 it should be as simple as this: //squid.config http_port 3128 transparent http_port 80 accel #vhost option is…
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1 answer

squid web proxy time quota database

the doc about Squid time quota write: "Filename of persistent database. This defaults to ext_time_quota.db...". But how create time-quota.db? Squid is installed up and running, but ext_time_quota_acl doesn't found time_quota.db file and…