Questions tagged [intranet]

An intranet is a computer network that uses Internet Protocol technology to securely share information within organizations. It is the connection of computer networks in a local area.

In contrast to internet an intranet is a network between organizations, and refers to a network within an organization. Sometimes, the term refers only to the organization's internal website, but may be a more extensive part of the organization's information technology infrastructure. It may host multiple private websites and constitute an important component and focal point of internal communication and collaboration. Any of the well known Internet protocols may be found in an intranet, such as HTTP (web services), SMTP (e-mail), and FTP (file transfer protocol). Internet technologies are often deployed to provide modern interfaces to legacy information systems hosting corporate data.

An intranet can be understood as a private analog of the Internet, or as a private extension of the Internet confined to an organization.

Source: wikipedia

153 questions
1 answer

What would be the easiest way to host an intranet Mono web application?

I've just finished migrating a lightweight Microsoft® .NET™ web application to Mono and now I'm looking for a straight-forward way to host such development on a (perhaps virtualized) Ubuntu 10.10 server within an intranet environment. I was…
Nano Taboada
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2 answers

Building intranet search

At work, we have lots of information squirreled away in many different sites -- wikis, product docs, ticketing system, etc -- many of which require authentication. I'm very interested in having a single way to search all our various silos, and in my…
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8 answers

Intranet server that's not on the internet

We just bought a machine to serve as our in-house production server. For security reasons, we don't want this machine connected to the internet. However, we do have an intranet with a wiki and all the workstations in the office need to be able to…
Jason Swett
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3 answers

Single sign-on for intranet?

I'm trying to set up a single sign-on for my intranet. I've found a couple solutions online but I'm not sure if they apply to my particular situation. I have several subdomains on the same server. One level of user should be able to access all…
Jason Swett
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3 answers

Intranet Chat Server - for closed office network

We have a closed office network, and our company has grown to the point where we could use some chat capabilities in house. Preferably, the server should be able to support protocols that could enable people to connect to it from available desktop…
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3 answers

How do I change Internet Explorer security settings for all users using Active Directory?

I recently created an Intranet application for my company, but to work properly it must execute an ActiveX control to locally run a program. However, the only way I found for this to work was using Internet Explorer, and setting Intranet security to…
2 answers

Is it possible to alias a URL in apache without using hosts?

Hi all I am very new to this. I have a local intranet running an apache server. To access the web application, I am using the URL localhost:2130/app/. I would like to change it to something like Is this even possible? well, if I…
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4 answers

Network wide rule to forwared IP address

we have a virtual machine which hosts a web based bug tracker in our network which is reached internally via e.g. From the outside we made a port forwarding in our firewall so that the web site can be reached via e.g.…
Patrick Wolf
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4 answers

Intranet over SSH

Thanks in advance for any help/advice provided. I have the following setup I have an Ubuntu server (ubuntu_server) which provides SSH access (using keys only, no username/password) to internet connected users (ubuntu_server is on LAN_1) I can…
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3 answers

What exactly is the difference between public and private IP addresses?

Everywhere on the Internet the same answer is given, private IP addresses exists only inside your network and public IP addresses are what everyone sees on Internet. What exactly do they mean by the Internet? I have a home network, on top of which…
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3 answers

Installing HTTPS/SSL on Windows servers that have no access to the Internet

We have some Windows servers that are behind a firewall, and have no access to the Internet. Some of them are Web Servers (for intranet), and some are application servers, database, file, etc. Some of the applications require login, and due to the…
Ahmad Al-Mutawa
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4 answers

Multiple web sites with different ip addresses

I want to set up more than one web site on IIS7 with each website having it's own IP address. This is so that I can set up different domain names within an intranet to point to different web sites. Does anyone know of a way to do this? If this is…
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4 answers

Looking for the ideal Wiki engine to suit my company's needs

I'm sure there have been many people wanting someone to recommend them a wiki engine for whatever purpose, but I have yet to see anyone with my specific requirements. We currently have one Linux server that hosts every service in our (small) office.…
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0 answers

Connection to MS SQL Server instance through SSH SOCKS proxy fails

I use a local ssh socks proxy (localhost:7070) on my Linux Laptop to connect to my company's intranet over my company's Windows+cygwin laptop, which has intranet access: Linux --(ssh -N -D 7070 -p 7022 -l user>…
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1 answer

SSL configuration for Intranet/VPN site

We've got a web site in development, that is to be used internally within our intranet, but also used externally by one client that will be accessing it via VPN. As far as Certificates go, what's the best option? Will i need to get one from a…
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